What Is And Is Not Art

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What is and is Not Art

What is and is Not Art


I think art is every thing. Every thing begins from art and ends at art. Art is life. Art is universe. The whole universe is the reflection of art and excellence and aesthetic values. Artless life is equivalent to heartless life.


Art has been a major debate topic among philosophers in the past and present. These philosophers have come up with many philosophies on what art is or should be. Some of these philosophies are very simple, logical, and easy to understand. While others are very interesting, and sometimes a strange way of looking at art (Burns, 2001). Throughout the decades philosophers have still not come to an agreeable conclusion or solid definition of what art is. This topic is still widely debated throughout the world. Philosophers are no longer the only ones that discuss the issue of art. Now everyday people in our society feel it affects them, and therefore should have an opinion on it. These ideas make people create their own conclusions of what art should be or what it should symbolize. When in reality, art is primarily based on interpretation, strong opinions based on one's own analysis, and there still ceases to be a solid definition. This is why philosophers' strong opinions lead them to believe their theory should be fact.

The pastoral, along with romance, had long upheld this role of pleasure in western literature and art. In associationism it gained a resourceful ally, imparting color and personal affect. Reliance on the presumed universality of sensation promoted by Lockean empiricism would increasingly be challenged by this emerging subjective dynamic (Burns, 2001). Nonetheless, for proponents of the picturesque, a commitment to the solidity and uniformity of the natural world continued to hold the upper hand, offering a middle ...
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