Reflection And Analysis On Language And The Arts

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Reflection and Analysis on Language and the Arts

Introduction: Music resembles language. Expressions such as musical idiom, Musical intonation, is not just a metaphor. But music is not identical with the language. The similarity suggests Necessary, but vague (Burkholoder 2007). Anyone who takes it literally will be gravely misled. Music resembles language in the sense that this is a temporary. The sequence of articulated sounds is more than just sounds. They state certain thing, often certain thing human. Better music, increasingly they say it sequence of sounds.

The similarity extends to the language of the whole work, Organized linking important sounds, up to a sound note as a threshold merest presence, clean the vehicle of expression. The analogy goes beyond the communication sounds and extends the material to structures.

To Canaan's land, I'm on my way,

Where the soul of man not ever dies.

My darkest evening will turn to day,

Where the soul of man not ever dies.

No sad farewells. (costly associates there'll be no miserable farewells.)

No rip dimmed eyes (There'll be no rip dimmed eyes.) Where all is love, (Where all is calm and joy and love.)

And the soul not ever dies. (And the soul of man not ever dies.)

The increased is blooming there for me,

Where the soul of man not ever dies.

And I will spend eternity,

Where the soul of man not ever dies.

No sad farewells. (costly associates there'll be no miserable farewells.) No rip dimmed eyes (There'll be no rip dimmed eyes.)

Where all is love, (Where all is calm and joy and love.)

And the soul not ever dies. (And the soul of man not ever dies.) The love light beams over the foam,

Where the soul of man not ever dies.

It polishes and lights the way to home,

Where the soul of man never dies. {Skaggs Ricky}

Nowadays, ...
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