What I Learned In Buad Course

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What I Learned In BUAD Course

What I Learned In BUAD Course


Business Administration course is one of the most important courses that business students are supposed to accomplish as part of their academics. The course is important element in the development of comprehensive and profound understanding of the business related method and issues. The document will focus on what I as an intern learned in my Business Administration Development Course. I worked under the executive manager in a health care organization. The document will explore my experiences in regards with the management issues in the organization. The content of document is designed to explore the things I learned and implemented and its potential consequences.


There are several challenges that surface up while working in an organization entirely designated to work for the betterment of people. Goals of such organization are more people oriented rather than being business oriented (Oandasan, Barker and Baker, 2006). Therefore several issues surround the work front. I was made responsible for the team of people responsible to keep check on the influx of resources and productivity being achieved by the use of those healthcare resources. The resources included medication, machines and even the human resource such as nurses and medical practitioners. I worked in a group of some very competent individuals and learned a lot of things.

Business Behaviors

A very important part of working in a group is creating appropriate working environment for the entire group through business related friendly behavior. The practice of instituting, initiating and developing a business is not a simple adventure, but a real and demanding challenge. To facilitate the entrepreneurs for facing this challenge in a way that ensures promising results, it is vital to establish a competitive, constructive, favorable and practical business environment (Ross, King and Firth, 2005). Ensuring easier access to financial resources like funding and making the legislative processes effective and clear are integral part of it. Furthermore it is also important to develop entrepreneurial culture and sustainability networks in regards with the business setup and growth. However, creating a favorable business environment does not mean simply improving the growth potential of businesses. It means to turn the workplace into an advantageous investing and working front. This will lead to the promotion of corporate social responsibility and will eventually contribute in turning the business into an attractive marketing front. There were some very prominent business behaviors that I seem to grasp from the group. These behaviors were work and team appropriate and helped me understand how things work out in professional environment. Furthermore they made me understand how a team propagates on professional scale and how ethical and social dimensions of behavior are considered in business framework. I learned the difference between being a good and a bad leader. Business Administration is not only about how you manage your work but also how you make others manage the work (Ross, King and Firth, 2005). It is about the sense of team hood.

While working in a team, behavior and the demonstration of ...
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