What American Thinks About Terrorism?

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What American thinks about Terrorism?

What American thinks about Terrorism?


Terrorism, as a matter of fact, has debilitated the security situations in United States of American and in other nations in the twenty first century. Addressing this tedious issue, for nations, is a hard nut to crack. It requires nations to do two big things namely: secure their own territories and to diminish the risk at the source. It depends on the nations how they alleviate this enormous threat to their national security, which ranges from the creating a national infrastructure that is impregnable from physical damages to the enhancement of national security. Furthermore, it also depends upon the tactics to fight with the elements of global terrorism - such as enhanced cooperation between nations that face similar threats or by developing aboriginal capacity in those states, where the risks of external threats are high (CSIS, 2013).

United States of America, being a super power - it has an interest over the countries - have remained the serious target of the international terrorism groups, Al-Qaeda, remains on top of the list. Terrorism activities have always hampered the security environment within United States of America over the period of time. However, after the colossal attack of 9/11, the security situation in United States of America has raised too many eyebrows. If created a sense of anxiety in the people of America, their psychological freedom, to some extent, have been vanished, the particular incident has created many bad associations in the minds of people who used to have a free life prior this event.

In order to deal with this multifaceted issue, United States of America has devised several strategies to curb the heinous issues at the source. Current programs include on the potential of Al-Qaeda and its partners, sharing of relevant information with law enforcement and counter terrorism agencies, preparedness of disaster and relief efforts, and U.S-EU security cooperation. This program further plays a vital role over the happenings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other terrorism affecting countries. This whole situation has changes the thinking pattern of American people.


There is no country in the world which can protect its people absolutely from the threat of terrorism. A national like United States of America, is in the phase of enormous spending over this notion, but still hardly manages to completely abolish it. One need to think how to utilized resources to best cater the problem in order to gain fruitful results. After the incident of September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the sovereignty of United States of America, a majority of the people had concerns about terrorism which was directly influencing their lives, according to a number of polls. The two wars which America fought with Iraq and Afghanistan respectively; however, the threat of terrorism has not been the same as it used to be a decade ago. The active and befitting response of the United States of America to deal with such a serious issue had lessened the worries of the general public (Marks, ...
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