Week 3 Assignment

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Week 3 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment


Most of the police work is driven by incidents and many officers usually find themselves in dealing with related or similar incidents that they faced in their pasts. The idea of POP “Problem-Oriented Policing” is related to examine the designs of incident bundles for identifying and tackling problems occurring within the community. The dynamic and active interference of external agencies and community is usually vital to the recognition of troubles and the development of strategies for solving them. Herman Goldstein was the inventor of POP concept, and he believed that the police service is required to be oriented to the alarming troubles. There are certain benefits of POP, which includes good public whose concerns are attended; officers with improved job satisfaction by pouring public benefits; more convenient requirements on the police for underlying problems to be solved and reducing repeated calls. This project provides a conceptual tool such as SARA for systematizing the problem solving. Its helps officers to draft a structure and design the four stages, such as; Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment.


SARA is a key theoretical vehicle for serving officers to think POP in a disciplined and structured way that has been portrayed from Spelman and Eck's report of Problem-Oriented Policing in Newport (1987). It is consisted on four stages: Scanning, which spots problems by using basic data, knowledge and electronic maps; Analysis, which uses IT and Hunches to determine insight characteristics of problems and its causes; Response, which works with the community where it is possible or necessary for bringing solution; Assessment, which look back to glancing over the solution and the lessons could be learned from the experiment or result (Bayley, 1994).


This element starts the process of SARA by joining incidents which focus over the attention of the police into 'problems' or clusters. It should be observed that these problems usually based on related, similar or reoccurring criminal incidents. The definition of 'problem' is intentionally left open because it includes many criterion and incidents that reoccur by experiencing single crime. Almost there is the infinite range of incidents or situation where public might need police or call them for the resolution (Bennett, 1994). On the other hand, incidents also vary by their sensitivity and seriousness. It should be noticed that the identified problems by scanning should not be considered as one-offs, but it could be reoccurred over a period of months. Therefore, it is important for officers to sense the crime as a long term problem instead of taking as a simple one time crime.


In the phase of analysis, police officers usually discover the conditions that provide rise to the specific problem by determining the impact and characteristics of the problem in good insight. For instance, scanning must have displayed that there were many stealing from hops in some specific area, but the analysis would offer a day, an hour or month that the stealing took place and from which specific shop (Farrell & Pease, ...
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