Ways Of Developing Flexibility Within The Workplace

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Ways of Developing Flexibility within the Workplace

Ways of Developing Flexibility within the Workplace


Organization flexibility is one of the most current issues in organizations today. There is a growing orientation to need to be flexible to cope with an external environment that is increasingly dynamic, uncertain and diverse. In this regards, some authors stress the emergence of new formats which are more flexible, such as network enterprises, enterprises-clover or even different types of strategic alliances (Stent, 2008). The use of these flexible formats causes changes in the form of work organization and employment structure.

The flexible working patterns are singled out as one of the central issues in the management of people in organizations, affecting the very assumptions that guide thought and action in HRM. At the same time, there are clear indications of increased practice for increase organizational flexibility.

The growing importance of flexibility in work and employment in the various forms in which it manifests itself, is a main finding consensus in the literature. The set of factors contribute both to increase the flexibility, as for the emergence of HRM, which will certainly not be a coincidence (Pereira, 2011). The factors interrelate and distribute essentially in four areas: the changing economic conditions that have become more adverse and challenging; technological advances; evolution the characteristics of the labor market and, finally, the weakening of the movement, which decreases the resistance to increase flexibility.

The companies have sought to increase their flexibility to various levels under a context marked by the growing demand for competitiveness. This intensifying competition is often associated with economic recession, globalization, and the deregulation of markets by governments around the world. On the other hand, the increased demand of the markets in terms of high quality at low prices, and also in relation to the expected financial return. All these factors have tax increased pressure in range objectives such as cost effectiveness, efficient organization of work, prompt response to change and improve the supply of services. This new competitive landscape highlights the inadequacy of organizational structures, traditional red tape, and particularly the large mass production, relative to new requirements for survival and success.

Moreover, on one hand, the advance of new technologies and new skills are more important and that skilled labor is increasingly dominant, even in industrial production. Whereas, on other hand, it became necessary to lighten structures and provide flexible work arrangements, as the goals of this flexibility will unvarnished cost reduction to increased market share, through the attraction and retention of workers most desirable (Pereira, 2011). Thus, it has been witnessed in recent decades to drastic reductions in the levels of labor work and other restructuring, which require them own flexible work options.


Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in practice

Researchers have tried to study how organizations seek to increase flexibility and the reasons that lead them to choose different strategies. In this context, theoretical models have been developed, which are alternately supported or challenged by empirical studies. The empirical exploration, especially through case studies, ...
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