Water Charge

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Water Charge Schedule

Water Charge Schedule

The water schedule charge in my area follows the below mentioned plan:

Leeds Suburban Water District

Flat Rate Customers

January 1, 2009

Usage Charge (€ /1,000 sq. ft.)

€ 0.91

Flat Service Charge

3/4" connection

€ 14.89

1" connection

€ 21.55

1 1/2" connection

€ 40.69

The customers are charged on a monthly basis and they are billed on a Residential Flat Rate. They are billed in advance; however the Metered Rate Customers are billed in the arrears. Whatever charges that are set by the District are the ones that are followed and it is ensured that the people follow the same rates and the same charges should be imposed on them. The basis on which rates and charges are placed are set by the District. The charges mentioned in the table above are explained as follows:

Flat Service Charge: The size of the connection is the basis of this charge. This charge covers the fixed costs of the maintenance, and the district operations. These are attributed to the customers as a flat charge.

Usage Charge: The Parcel square footage is the basis on which this charge is based. The main purpose and intention of this charge is to cover the variable maintenance costs, the charges related to the operations of the District and the costs that are attributable to the customers on the basis of a flat charge.

The following table presents the water service schedule for the metered rate charges:

Leeds Suburban Water District

Metered Rate Customers

Meter Usage Charge (€ /CCF) - 1CCF = 748 gallons

January 1, 2009

Non-Residential-Off-Peak Rate (Nov-Apr)

€ 0.81

Non- Residential. - Peak Rate (May-Oct)

€ 1.01

Residential - 1st Tier (0-10 CCF)

€ 0.80

Residential - 2nd Tier (11+ CCF)

€ 1.00

Meter Service Charge

5/8" Meter

€ 3.60

3/4" Meter

€ 5.25

1" Meter

€ 8.50

1 1/2" Meter

€ 16.60

2" Meter

€ 26.40

3" Meter

€ 49.20

4" Meter

€ 81.75

6" Meter

€ 163.15

8" Meter

€ 293.40

10" Meter

€ 472.50

12" Meter

€ 700.40

The charges in the table above are explained as follows:

Meter Service Charge: The usage of meter is the basis of this charge. The main purpose of this charge is to cover the variable costs of the maintenance and the operations of the District that are attributed to the metered customers.

Usage Charge: The usage of water is the basis of this charge. The main purpose of the charge is to cover the district operations and the maintenance of the fixed costs that are attributed to the metered customers which also includes the cost of the water.

The following table presents the water charge for all the customers:

Leeds Suburban Water District

All Customers

Capital Facilities Charge

January 1, 2009

5/8" Meter

€ 19.25

¾” meter or connection

€ 28.70

1” meter or connection

€ 48.00

1 ½" meter or connection

€ 95.65

2" meter or connection

€ 153.10

3" meter or connection

€ 287.30

4" meter or connection

€ 478.95

6" meter or connection

€ 957.60

8" meter or connection

€ 1,723.80

10" meter or connection

€ 2,777.45

12" Meter or connection

€ 4,117.65

Meter and / or the size of the connection or the property is the capital facilities charge. The charges covered under this are the District capital improvement charges and the payments of the principal and the interest expenses.

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