Volunteer & Leadership

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Volunteer & Leadership

Volunteer & Leadership

Volunteer & Leadership


In this rapidly changing and fast paced world it is believed that leading life successfully has become a tough thing to do. In our life we have to make several decisions for its betterment. Sometimes we make rational decisions and some other times we become unable to properly analyze and comprehend a situation and reach to some irrational decisions. But the good thing is that every good decision brings confidence in us and every wrong decision enriches us with experience. With the help of this experience and some other traits we begin to give directions and guidance to people and that is how the story of leadership starts. Leadership is a very deep and intriguing phenomenon.


Being a team leader, it requires enhanced leadership and manager qualities to cooperate and coordinate with subordinates and other team members. It is important to enhance the abilities and skills of the team member to the fullest. It is significant for the team leader or manager to understand the temperament and abilities of their team member it would be helpful to delegate the work. It is the responsibility of the team leader to motivate team member and create loyalty among them. To manage the team initially team leader should communicate the vision and mission of the team to other members, provide them the aim and goal so that everyone works for the team achievement rather than the individual achievement. Team leader should make other members realize that team achievement could be the individual achievement. The team manager should express the expectations from his team members this would be motivation for the team to come forward and complete their task. There are various themes and techniques through which teams could be manage, and achieve their goals. The types of teams that I experienced comprised of a small team members and there were different kinds of people. The meaning is that all the people had different personalities, but they were required to cooperate with each other for achieving a task. In some of the teams, I did not face any problem while working with them because everyone respected each other and were aware of their objective. However, some teams did not go well with me because few members did not cooperate to achieve a task. Therefore, I experienced these types of teams for different projects.

I have aimed at providing following benefits through my coaching to organizations and their emerging leaders. That is leadership development program is aimed at following:

To develop leadership capability,

To develop agility, engagement, productivity and client/customer focus,

To create leaders who can teach, coach and learn,

To drive culture change,

To develop individuals' self-awareness and adaptability of own leadership style.

The lessons learned during the coaching sessions, and through the evaluations were improper planning of potential leaders, which lead them to failure. I tried to make them learn the significance of planning before every task you are going to accomplish. Before a training session, I have always made an outline, as discussed before, ...
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