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Analyzing the Voice over Internet Protocol on a campus sized computer network using the OPNET Modeler simulation

Table of Contents

MSC Proposal Skeleton1


1. Introduction7

1.1 Backgrounds7

1.2 Problem Description or Definition7

2. Current Status and Developments of Research or Technology8

2.1 Literature Survey and Analysis8

2.2 Comparisons and Discussions8


3. Project Aim9

3.1 Project Objectives9

3.2 What New Knowledge/Skill Needs To be Learnt/Prepared9

4. Project's Expected Outcomes10

4.1 The Technical Route of the Proposed Project10

4.2 The Technical Route To Be Employed by the Project10

4.3 How the Technical Route of the Project To Be Illustrated, Validated or Evaluated11


5. Project Plan12

5.1 Project's PERT/CPM Chart12

5.2 Project Gantt Chart13

5.3 Resource Requirements13

5.4 Risk Management Strategy14


Annotated Bibliography18

MSC Proposal Skeleton

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introduction

(Justification, Need for the Study)

Problem Statement

Hypotheses / Objectives / Research Questions

Definition of Terms

Study Limitations

Fundamental Suppositions

Chapter 2 - Literature Review

(Could contain sections if consider to be essential)

Chapter 3 - Procedures

Research Design

Subject Selection

Outcome Measures

Conditions of Testing


Data Analysis

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Background and Setting

-In converging IP, fixed and mobile networks, applications of multimedia have been the chief motivating factor. Within the realization of this convergence, a main obstacle is achieving QoS (Quality of Service) from a best-effort, heterogeneous network of service. Stringent limits are required by interactive voice on packet losses, delay and jitter, video puts in considerable requirements of band width to the network, whilst internet merely makes its preeminent attempt for delivering a packet. Therefore, the end to end Quality of Service management of heterogeneous network sustaining the services of multimedia is of supreme significance.

Problem Statements

Majority of the measures of Quality of Service are preservative, which is to say that these measures hoard over each of the essential constituents of the networks within the path of communication.

Objectives of the Study

-This research examines multimedia applications' performance over campus sized computer network within the networking environment of campus sized computer network. Particularly, we look into the VoIP application's performance over campus sized computer network, whilst sharing the resources of network with different applications. We concentrate on the applications of interactive voice because of its commercial significance in rousing convergence of network, and due to the fact that it necessitates stringent limitations on packet loss, delay and jitter.

Definition of Terms

-Describe the terms within the context in which the terms would be emploed- offer operational definitions in addition to the constitutive definitions.

-Incorporate a definitions list for concepts and terms, which possess noteworthy implication for the research.

-Assembled in the listing form - such as a dictionary, but not like the prose form

-Do not describe commonly implicit concerns, concepts, and principles e.g., adult, vocational, and secondary education.

-Majority of the explicit information regarding each term would be given in the rest of the suitable parts of the proposal

Limitations of the Study

-Abridge restrictions surfaced by the study procedures

-Explain the routine limitations comprehensively within the suitable section; just go over the main points over here

Basic Assumptions

-Do not make suppositions regarding the hypotheses (or procedures)

-Accepted devoid of thought of immediate substantiation

-Suggestions for which no information could be made accessible in the study scope

-Are axiomatic in that they are suggestions, which almost all reasonable persons ...
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