Virtues And Values

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Virtues and Values

Virtues and Values


The word "value" is of classical Latin valor that was used from the twelfth century to describe the merits or qualities. In medieval literature, value was referred to qualities of persons under the war or military (Sellman 2011). These mainly related with bravery or combativeness. By extension, the word is then taken to "importance", before admitting many specialized jobs.

The word virtue comes from the Latin (virtus) meaning power, strength and skill. Thus, virtues are qualities that give us the power to act as a man, and the strength to do what is right (Blanco & Carbonell 2011). These make us grow as good people, reflecting the image of God. In this paper I distinguish between values and virtues, tracing their application in the health care settings, and reflecting on the way I practice them in my nursing practice.


Values are those ethical judgments about real or imaginary situations to which we are more inclined by their degree of personal and social utility (Blanco & Carbonell 2011). Those are the ethical or real values based on our judgments about situations to which we are more inclined. They depend on the degree of social and personal utility. In contrast, a virtue is a habit of choosing a middle ground on us, determined by the reason based on prudence (Baxendale 1987).

In contrast, virtues are actions that come from the heart and are oriented directly to a spiritual good. The virtues lead us to perfection, as they have all our powers, all of our qualities, our whole personality, to be in harmony with God's plan and guide. It reflects our whole person, not just our actions, to the good (Sellman 2011).

Values are not virtues. We can distinguish between these concepts as they expose us to understand many things about the decadence of our society. Indeed, values were often represented by the words like ethics, respect, tolerance, and justice that were very little practiced. One might even say that the more one speaks the less they are found. And for good reason: the values are concepts, they fall in speech and intellect, they say what should be but have no influence on actual behavior, the virtues, however, are practical behaviors that make everyone better, and are the key and the challenge of any real education (Baxendale 1987).

It is therefore understandable that a democratic society and secularized speak ...
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