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Citizenship and Ethics

Citizenship and Ethics


The virtues are defined as the central concepts for the teleological view of the worlds. Teleological is defined as end or purpose ends of anything. The statement of Aristotle, regarding the virtues of ethics, states that the goal of human beings is to flourish by the exercise of reason in building the virtues, a life-long growth into excellence or perfection (Collins 2006, 48). The ancient Greeks followed their heroes and their virtues like in current world we follow Wayne Rooney or Shakira.

Virtues of ethics is defined as the habit or the characteristics developed by the exercise of special kind of judgment, phronesis or practical wisdom, which chooses a fair mean according to one's own character and the situation one faces. The results lie between two choices, either good or bad. Moral virtues include prudence, perseverance, temperance and courage (Fred 2005, 416).

The relationship of citizenship and ethics are interrelated through the concept of virtues. The birth of a person cannot predict that a person is moral or immoral, whether it will have good habits or bad. The second nature, that is acquired, not born is the concept of self developed socialization; contact with others and with the realities will generate the later phase of his self.

The second nature is developed through the nature of education, and socialization. It depends on the ethos or habits we develop. For some authors the morality within us is the natural tendency to be good through positive values, virtues. Thus the ethical task will be to promote virtue and prevent vice that is to promote good and avoid evil.

Thesis Statement

The main statement of discussion is related to the speech of Marin King. He stated that, “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline”

Criticism on Approach used by author

The author Martin Luther has stated the concept of civic or liberal republican concept approach. He stated that the equal rights on the citizenship are the legal right of everyone. Stating on the rights of Negro's he has delivered in the concepts liberal republicans. The concepts of civic and liberal republican are intermixed most of the time. Conception of citizenship has a very different vision of the liberal conception. This approach is not irrelevant: there is indeed between civic republicanism and liberalism political opposition front that makes any realistic prospect of conciliation (Van-Hooft 2006, 115).

The author has stated that one should always satisfy their thirst for freedom through the high planes of discipline and dignity. It does not happen most of the time. Mostly, these disciplines are negative related to the dues of non-serious attitude by the authoritative. The coercion of ethics gets destroyed through the other party consent.

The author Martin Luther King Jr. spoke expressively of his powerful desire for a future in which black people and white complexion could coexist harmoniously and as ...
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