Virgin Suicide

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Virgin Suicide

Virgin Suicide

Virgin Suicides is a success as well as classic screenplay, intelligent and subtle. The sweetness that emanates from the film reflects the mind and practical attitude of director. In Virgin Suicides, the director treats a difficult subject with infinite modesty and serenity.

The Virgin Suicides is a terrific song, sublimated and presented by way of fairy tale, with huge white dresses and long blond hair, where beauty is only the mask of drama. And there are two ways to get away with it a drama, humor or excitement esthetician. The Virgin Suicides choose the second path and becomes a horror movie in a beautiful portrait of adolescence, with five perfect nymphets surrounded by a stage of bright color.

In a residential neighborhood in the United States in the mid-seventies, few things can disturb the harmony of the family quiet Lisbon. The five beautiful sisters have become the secret object of desire of the boys, who long for them every time they see their hair blonde in the wind. But something makes this whole paradise change when Cecilia, the youngest sister, commits suicide at twelve years old.

The five Lisbon sisters were living under the strict supervision of their parents (James Woods and Kathleen Turner) as they begin their adolescent stage. The story begins with a suicide attempt by one of the sisters (Cecilia), who cuts the veins, but is taken to the hospital before she died which is staffed by a doctor (Danny De Vito) and says it is very young to hate life. From there begins the story telling as is the life of the sisters, as they are tied to your home and put down by her mother's strict religion. Dr. Cecilia serving his parents encouraged to release them a bit and make it known to more people than the family environment. 

In this way their parents do a party in the basement of his house, there were invited some children from the neighborhood, and your neighbor to watch friends all the time and discussed the young girls. At the party everyone is having fun, except the youngest just 13 years, Cecilia, who is retiring from the basement and goes to her room, where you pull the window and falling suicide at the gates of his courtyard. The year continues and the four girls remain in school, where all the kids are obsessed with them. Everything seems normal, as if nothing had happened. Lux, one of the sisters begins to relate to kids who are not exactly good in high school. 


A Trip to the night came three boys chosen by one student, the other car and the last was the one who would give drugs.  In dancing, Trip and Lux ??go down to kiss a table sipping liquor. The same try one of her sisters but then do not dare to follow. Trip and Lux ??were crowned queen and king of dance and beyond the football field to kiss and make love, forgetting that they should leave in the car with Lux's sisters and friends of Trip, fall asleep in the ...
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