Viral Marketing

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Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing


Viral marketing (called viral advertising, called viral marketing) is a special kind of action marketing. It consists in initiating a situation in which potential customers will be alone with each other to disseminate information about the company, services or products (Cruz & Fill, 2008, pp. 743-758). There always has to be specific information; it can be called as build awareness of the brand and its positioning, which call the desired associations with the name, logo of the company.

An example of viral marketing can be fun and intriguing videos or pictures (often stylized to quasi-amateur) advertising that users Internet broadcast with each other. It used as a rumour, made relevant trends or urban legends that wander among potential customers to raise awareness of the product and make it a symbolic product, high quality or status symbol, or conversely, to harm his opinion (Austin, et. al., 2007, pp. 350-66).

Another of the tricks used to sharing free information useful, which contain more or less subtle advertising message. An example would be issued by the manufacturer of margarine books with recipes for baked goods, where in any of the provisions of margarine as an ingredient produced by the publisher of the book. The intention here is to induce the recipient to disseminate awareness of - unwittingly, with the name of your business (Denault, 2009, pp. 1320-22).

Telecommunication Services in UK

In the United Kingdom regulating the communications sector entrusted to the Office of Communications (Office of Communications - Ofcom) which is an independent regulator and competition authority that governs the areas of broadcasting, telecommunications and communications, "wireless", created in 2002 but with full powers in 2003 under the Communications Act. Ofcom inherited the duties that had previously been entrusted with the responsibility of five regulatory bodies: the Broadcasting Standards Commission, the 'Independent Television Commission, the Office of Telecommunications (Oftel), the Radio Authority and the Radio communications Agency and also sets the rules for fair competition between companies in the industry (Guzman & Sykes, 2007, pp. 125-134).

Its main tasks are to ensure that the UK has a wide range of electronic communications services and television and radio programs of good quality products that meet a wide range of tastes and interests and that offered by different operators, which users of radio and television protected from harmful or offensive material, that individuals protected from inappropriate behavior during radio and television programs, to safeguard their privacy and that the spectrum of frequencies used most effectively.

The funds come from industries of the Office for the regulation of broadcasting and communications and government funding, the office responsible to Parliament but is independent of the Government. With regard to the broadcasting sector, this Authority, as well as aim at maintaining and strengthening the quality of public service broadcasting, is responsible for granting permissions to all commercial radio and television services (such as TV channels, radio stations, digital television services , Internet TV, etc.) and establishes a code of conduct for journalists to television and radio must comply (Buigues & Rey, 2004, ...
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