Violence In The Media

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Violence in the Media


Billions of people watch television, across the world, daily. What is it that makes television so popular? The answer to that question is quite simple: it's entertaining. People like to have fun and to be entertained, which is what television provides. Turn on any television and you can watch a thriller, a comedy, reality television show and almost anything.

Thesis Statement

However, many people believe that viewing television can have negative effects on one's life. Violent shows can cause violent behaviour in those people that watch the shows, especially if a child is the viewer. Negative health effects can become evident if a person sits around the house all day watching television. But is there anything positive that can be said about television?


Educational programs are believed to be a positive element of television, since those watching will learn from the show. Television is also viewed as being a way for anyone to connect to the world. Basically, television allows us to gain knowledge about events occurring in China, Brazil, and all around the world. Television allows us to communicate with each other. And of course, the main positive aspect of television is that it provides us with entertainment. Feeling bored with nothing to do? Turn on the television for a half hour and enjoy your favourite television show (Calabro, 192).

Violence on television effects people, especially children, in negative ways. Before the average Britain child leaves elementary school, researchers estimate that he or she will have witnessed more than 8,000 murders on television. Nearly 3,000 studies have found a connection between television violence and real violence. For example, studies involving children show that the more violence a child watches on television, the more violent he or she will act.

Almost everyone is exposed to violent media, some will commit violent crimes, millions will not. Why then do some individuals have violent tendencies? It would be wrong to say that the media does not completely have an effect on people or everyday suggestions such as commercials or billboards wouldn't be present. However, one must look at individual factors such as personal backgrounds (family, friends), chemical or emotional deficits and other social circumstances such as ones social environment. So when there's a violent incident I believe the media causes only in a small percentage of the incidents, but is generally blamed for a majority of them. In order for a human being to display aggression, violence or anger, it must be driven by an instinct interacting with that person's surroundings. According to Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis, humans have two such unconscious drives eros (love or sex) and phantos (death or aggression) (Kuehnel & Meadows, 51). If one were to believe this statement, it would be assumed that people have a natural inclination towards violence (aggression), which can be triggered for example by reality, which is our lives, or the powerful and clever mass media.

People that watch television are influenced by what they watch. For example, a person might watch a man swearing on ...
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