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Green Investments (GI) is a financial service company that focuses on stocks of environmentally responsible companies. The Washington-based L.L.C. is lead by Sarah Lewis and Steve Burke. GI uses financial research purchased from Bear Stearns and in-house environmental responsibility analysis to make recommendations to clients.

GI has developed a criteria-based marker system which is easy and effective in evaluating a wide range of different companies on their environmental impact. Only financially prudent/performing companies are evaluated, ensuring that its recommendations make both financial and environmental sense.

GI will leverage the proprietory evaluation system to quickly gain market share. The system is convenient and based on extensive research, providing a streamlined overview of the environmental performance of the companies.

GI will concentrate on the unserved niche of environmental investing within the financial services market. GI faces indirect competition from environmentally responsible mutual funds, which do a similar job in assessing a company's environmental performance but do not allow for investing in individual equity.

GI is lead by two experienced managers, Sarah Lewis, and Steve Burke. Sarah has a masters degree in environmental studies and has worked for the Environmental Protection Agency where she was responsible for preparing environmental impact statements. Steve has an MBA and has worked for Salomon Smith Barney where he developed an extensive amount of networking contacts.

GI addresses a previously ignored niche of the financial services market. GI will generate £230,000 and £261,000 in sales in year two and three respectively.


To become the premier environmental investment firm.

Attract more people into making investments based on environmental actions of the prospective companies, in effect raising the awareness of and supporting investments in companies that act on environmental concerns.

Continue to drive down the costs associated with investment research as it relates to environmental criteria.


Green Investments' mission is to become the premier financial service organization that makes investment in companies with outstanding environmental records and practices. Green Investments, through comprehensive research and well thought out and verifiable marker criteria will be able to identify sound environmental investments. By offering the highest level of services, Green Investments will succeed as a company as well as have a positive impact on our environment.

Keys to Success

Develop a workable, accurate set of environmental markers for a wide range of environmental impacts a company faces.

Purchase high-quality financial performance investment research, recognizing that there is no value added for Green Investments doing this research themselves.

Price the service so that there is a good profit margin while remaining competitive.

Company Summary

Green Investments is a Washington-based financial service company that is concentrating on the niche of environmentally responsible companies. The company is owned by Steve Burke and Sarah Lewis. It has been formed as a L.L.C.

Start-up Summary

The following equipment will be needed for start up:

Phone system (5 line).

Workstation computers (4), back end server, DSL Internet connection, and laser printer.

Office furniture, meeting room and waiting room furniture.

Monthly service charge for Bears Stearns software.

Fax machine, copier, lighting, and assorted office supplies. (See appendices)

Company Ownership

Steve Burke and Sarah Lewis equally own Green ...
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