Value Chain Management

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Practical aspects of value chain management. Interaction and integration of customer value

Practical aspects of value chain management. Interaction and integration of customer value

Product/Service and Its Value for the Customer

The product that I have chosen for my study is one of the leading in its industry, which is the cold drinks industry, Pepsi. Pepsi has got a long history and has been functioning since long. It is a product that has provided value to its customers in different ways. It has been providing quality and taste to its customers since it got started. Moreover, it is easily available in most of the places and retail stores all over the world. One can get the luxury of drinking this product whenever and wherever he wishes to as its availability in the market and stores is very high.

The value of this product for its customers is primarily based on its taste, quality and its availability. Its loyal customers are loyal to this product because the customers have developed a liking for its taste. Moreover, the loyal customers that this product has are also really satisfied with its quality which has always been of the highest standard which is also always necessary for any organization or company to maintain long term relationships with its customers. Furthermore, this product is also easily available everywhere and in almost every store in the world. Pepsi has always focused on these basic issues which are always very necessary for any organization or a company to maintain long term relationships with its customers which Pepsi has very successfully managed to do as well. (Mitchell, et al., 2009)

Moreover, Pepsi has always been among the leading business organizations in the world and this has also led the customers to perceive the same from the company and this perception of being one of the leading and one of the best organizations in the world has also led the customers of the company to be perceiving that they will also be getting the best of products from the company as well. This expectation of the customers is also one of the values that the customers drive from the product of this company.

Furthermore, even the company itself, Pepsi has never let its customers expectations from it to be ruined it has always worked to providing these basic elements to its customers which are mainly quality, taste and availability.

The success of any successful brand is the status of things in mind. Change your stand is almost impossible, unless you do not like what position. In other words, a brand is nowhere in the heart of a brand can be changed. What a brand is in the minds of the status of a representative to its brand is always locked. Cemetery in the launch failure of a computer is like Xerox, IBM copiers, Tanqueray vodka, Listerine toothpaste, Coca-Cola clothes, etc., these products do not fail in the market, thousands of products, they did not mind. They tried to get things do not fit the ...
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