Use Of Force By Police

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Use of Force by Police


Use of Force by Police4

Legislative Differences4

Use of Force: A Situational Approach5

Ethnic/ racial Context5

Lack of Universal Guidance6

The Necessary Situations7

“Use of Force” Effects on Image7


Use of Force by Police


The police department of any country is the legitimate authority, having a monopoly over the legitimate use of force, or physical violence. By law, a police force must obey the law as well be prescribed to the will of the general population. The constitution does provide for use of force by police or other law enforcement forces, but in a special context. The law instructs the legitimacy of use of the police force on two different parameters; execution of a constitutional order or self-defense (self and others). However, the force deployed by police is a defensive one, which guards under a specific situation of threat and violence (Reno, 2t al, 1999).

Police personnel are educated and trained regarding the legitimate use of force, throughout their job. As the police force is employed to guard the common interest of people, it must maintain a stable and close relationship with the public opinion. The unfair use of force raises many issues in the society and the social relations. It hurts the image of the police and results in an ineffective social justice system. The image of police in the society is highly affected by its use of force.

There is an image of police that it mistreats black in certain areas, this image is created by the use of force by police. Police must be precautious regarding the necessity and amount of force to be used. In order to sustain a good image in the society, police must not only comply to law, but with the opinion of the majority in such a way that the basic social and personal values must not be disturbed and mutilated.

Use of Force by Police

Law enforcement agencies endanger their lives almost every day while encountering a serious situation. Police force usually gets less time to response accordingly and properly. Here comes the part of good training to react to a threat or a possibly threatening situation. Events involving the use of unnecessary force by police often receive concentration of the media units, legislators, and even civil and criminal courts when required. Thus, it makes it a very serious and thought provoking act for the police force.

Whether the use of this unnecessary and excessive force is an abnormal behavior of an individual police officer or is a practice of a particular department or the whole law enforcement agency, such practices are always condemned by the law and the public opinion as well. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), 2001 defined use of force as “The amount of force required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject.” The IACP also illustrates five main components of force: chemical, physical, electronic, firearm and impact. For some, even the presence of police can be taken as a use of force (COPS, ...
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