The United States of America has many police departments, but it is proven by researched data that NYPD is the largest police department in the United States with a total of 38,000 police officers. Although they have that many officers employed in New York City, the rise in Excessive Use of Force, police brutality and corruption continues to be a serious concern for the Department of Amnesty International. The intention of this research paper analyze that excessive use of force with police officers is a major problem, and does take place in the United States. The United States of America depends greatly on Police Officers, who are paid to Serve and protect communities and citizens. Throughout my research, I was able to find out that excessive use of force with police officers, police brutality, ill-treatment, and death on suspects while in custody was already taking place, but became a major problem and out of control since 9/11. The data for this research paper was obtained and professionally gathered by several reliable and valid resources. I was able to interview several police officers from the Virgin Islands Police Department, obtain data from the internet, reliable and well written police books, newspapers articles and victims who have filed cases against police officers. I was able to interview some police officers who are presently on paid administrative leave due to being allegedly charged. The Commissioner of the Virgin Islands Police Department did confirm to me that it is a Police Department policy, to place any or all officers charged with a criminal act on paid administrative leave. The number of officers placed on administrative leave with pay, pending a formal investigation is very high. Although the percentage rate for excessive use of force with police officers is high, the majority of these cases are never prosecuted. To avoid these types of charges from occurring on officers, they should be required to undergo yearly drug testing, psychological evaluations, proper physical and academic trainings at least every six months. In order for these policies and requirements to be enforced, they should be a part of the police officers yearly evaluation. During the evaluation process, if officer is missing one of the requirements at that time he/she should be given a time to have it completed.
At that given time frame they should be re-evaluated and a decision should be made. This type of enforced policy will create a positive and more productive work ethics for police officers at the police department they work.
Excessive use of force by Police Officers
Excessive force by enforcement officers should be eliminated because it prevents good officers from conducting and executing their everyday assignments, gives the police department a bad name and it is extremely expensive as it relates to court proceedings and attorney representation.
1. General reasons why this is a belief and what types of information is used to support this ...