U.S Policy Towards Afghanistan

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U.S Policy Towards Afghanistan

US Policy towards Afghanistan on drugs and sustainable development


Background Review2

Current Situation4

Overview of Current Afghan Economy4

Role of Illegal Economy5

Afghanistan Political Capacity5

Option One:6

U.S. Involvement in Afghanistan6

Pros and Cons of U.S. Involvement in Afghanistan6

Option Two:7

Weaken and Transform the Taliban7

Pros and Cons of Weaken and Transform the Taliban7

Option Three:7

Afghanistan - A democratic state.7

Pros and Cons of Afghanistan - A democratic state.8



This study aims at investigating the policy of Afghanistan on drug and sustainable developments. The economic conditions of Afghanistan are identified in the past and current era. The economy of Afghanistan is badly affected by the war on terrorism in the country. The arrival of Taliban's and the war against them has finished Afghanistan economically. Harm their citizen mentally. Afghanistan people were killed with no reason at all. Their families are ruined, and they have lost everything. Nothing is left for them. The country economy had widely effected. They have to take aid from neighboring countries. They have life threats in war, so the work is highly affected. In a war situation, no citizen can perform any kind of work for the state. For example after 9/11; the U.S citizens were mentally upset, so the ratio of their economy has been affected at that time. People have fear and terror in moving out their home. Now the government of Afghanistan has decided to take actions on improving the economy of the state. They will increase the formal and informal trade. Afghanistan rank low in the political economy of the world. They need the support and aids of U.S. U.S can provide aid and improve the economy of the country as they have to maintain cordial relations with Afghanistan. U.S can give hopeful hands to the people of Afghanistan when they are in need. It was badly affected by the situation persists in the country. It will take time for Afghanistan to improve their economy and handle the current situations. They have to first improve the current status on their own. It will take time when Afghanistan economy will improve. They have taken aids from other countries and still they need the aids to run the country. When they will do all this they will become a peaceful and secure country.

US Policy towards Afghanistan on drugs and sustainable development


Since 2001 Afghanistan is in a difficult situation. They have faced many problems related to crises held in the country. In 2007 and 2008 the economy of the drug has reached further levels after World War II. The Afghan government has taken the initiative to reduce the drug economy in Afghanistan. They have larger profits in the process of drug involvement, but there is a country loss. In 2009,, Obama has focused on the eradication of drug supply in the country. They have done the implications on Taliban in Afghanistan, and they have done operations to remove them from the country. They have planned a post civil war in 2014; regarding drug eradication in Afghanistan ...
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