[This is a Thesis Proposal
Afghanistan: Nation Building, Corruption, Legitimacy, Security: Can we Succeed]
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Afghanistan: Nation Building, Corruption, Legitimacy, Security: Can we Succeed
Series of wars that swept through Afghanistan from 1979 to 2001. A Marxist coup in Afghanistan in 1978 launched waves of combat and strife, encompassing a Soviet invasion, and lay the base for the emergence of the Taliban and the eventual defeat of the team via U.S. coerces chasing the terrorist assails the United States on September 11, 2001 (Woodward, 17).
The unity of the Afghan citizens whoever had defeated ultimately dominant military energy of the Soviet Union melted rapidly as factions brawled for composure of the Afghan funds, Kabul. The recipient of the factional struggle proved to be the Taliban, whoever appeared as the faction can gain composure of the capital. The Taliban was anti-modernist priestly extremists from the ethnic Pashtun. With the backing of Pakistan, where Pashtuns exercised political and military composure, the Taliban took composure of Kabul in September 1996 (Tanner, 11). Under the Taliban regime, Afghanistan hosted priestly fanatics from other continent, encompassing al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. In September 2001, Bin Laden assassinated a spearheading anti-Taliban Afghan coerces, Ahmad Shah Massoud, and thereafter accomplished assails against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the United States on September 11, 2001 (Tanner, 35).
As an effect of those assails, a third wave of war ravaged Afghanistan in the descent of 2001, assails via extreme U.S. military superiority. On Thursday, September twenty, 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush lectured the citizens of the United States to a joint session of Congress. Bush publicly certified an ultimatum had been given privately, phrase the Taliban had to behave urgently and hand across al-Qaeda terrorists, or they would allocation their fate (Rohde, 3). The president also paged on all countries to attend U.S. in its brawl against terrorism declared. Purpose of the study
The main aim of this research is to consider the troubles facing Afghanistan in modern times. In this paper, we shall concentrate on subjects ranging from building of the rural, corruption, financial emergency in the rural and the impact of the global war against terrorism in the region in overall and in Afghanistan in particular. Problem Statement
Nearly pair decades of continuous war and internal clash has decimated the economy in both Afghanistan and infrastructure. Research Question
Following the science doubt lectured in this research RQ: As underscored via the observation that Afghanistan has suffered greatly in recent times, how can the global population to aid proper the troubles that Afghanistan is facing? Significance of ...