Us Homeland Security

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Potential threats to US Homeland Security

Potential threats to US Homeland Security


United States has been on the target of terrorism since long. Progress is one main reason why US is vulnerable to attacks. The nation is facing security threats which should be looked after in order to protect the country. The war against terrorism which started after the 9/11 attacks, poses great threats to the US homeland. The threats that the country faces does not include only developed countries, but nations like Iraq and Afghanistan are also a threat to US (Lake, 1998). These threats can severely damage the country's economy which will have a long-lasting impact on the country.

United States is one of the fastest growing countries and economies in the world, which is why it faces potential threats to its security. Global War on Terrorism is a contributing factor to the treats faced by the US. Although the government is spending enough on the defense sector, it needs to manage the threats effectively. Information plays a key role in avoiding these threats. The FBI and the CIA should be aware of all the global happenings and should also be able to pass the information to the concerned authorities. They have a big responsibility of the security of the whole nation for which they should be fully prepared.

This paper will discuss all the threats that the country is facing from other countries, terrorist groups or from destructive weapons. It will also recommend ways how the country can cope with these threats and what measures should be undertaken in order to reduce and avoid these threats (Maples, 2007).

Threats Faced by the United States

The country faces different types of threats which it should take steps and avoid. There are many countries that are a threat to the United States such as China, Iran, and India etc. These countries, especially China, have the fastest growing economies in the world. Some threats faced by the United States are as follows:

1.Iraq and Afghanistan - Retaliation

Since the war that took place in Iraq and Afghanistan, a sense of retaliation has developed in the citizens of these countries. A strong sense of hatred has developed in the people of these countries against the Americans and they pose a great threat to its security. Moreover, the Shia Sunni conflict in the country has also caused the hatred to grow against the Americans. The situation in Afghanistan is also the same. The war on terror in Afghanistan has made the people of Afghanistan hate America (Jacoby, 2004). The US forces are still deployed there due to which the people think that they are not safe in their own country.

The problem in these countries has made it difficult for the people in the country to live and they are moving to different countries, while some people, as a consequence of the situation, become terrorists and plan terrorist attacks. Such people are a threat to the security of the United States and should be dealt ...
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