U.S Empire

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U.S Empire

U.S. Empire


The center-periphery model of territorial organization is a certain economic and political system, which is central to the economic school or structuralist developmental. It is also known as dependency theory, created shortly after the Second Industrial Revolution. The term center-periphery has been particularly successful to refer to social and economic inequalities and unequal spatial distribution, especially at the global level, talking in this sense of core countries and peripheral countries, with similar meaning to other dualities in common use, as North-South , developed-underdeveloped world and first world - third world . In the most common sense, we refer to the United States when we talk about a central force in political arena that is dominant over other (secondary) periphery countries.

Relationship between the Core and the Periphery

The evolution of different realities both "core" and "peripheral" in subsequent years will highlight the need to advance the study of spatial diversity, but also social and cultural life of contemporary capitalism. The theory of center and periphery is the location patterns of industrial activities in peripheral societies very differently to the Neoclassical Theory of the Location. Inefficient industries, craft heritage of a traditional type tend to be located in a very scattered and at times very close to the raw materials that are the basis of its operation. By contrast, modern industries are at specific sites, sometimes, also near the point of supply of raw material or, conversely, areas near well communicated with the outside. In this sense, is not to deny everything said by the theory of localization, but is considered simply superficial. The geometric metaphor of center and periphery is often used to describe the opposition between the two basic types of places in a system: one that receives the command and the center, and those affected by peripheral position.

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