Unsuccessful Treaties

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Why Were Peace Treaties At The End Of The First World War Apparently So Unsuccessful?


Why were the peace treaties after World War I unsuccessful? This essay will illustrate different reasons for failure of the treaties. There were some difficulties encountered in this essay about the different point of views from the observers and the historians. The approach, which has been taken in this essay, is a critical analysis where relevant information is extracted from books and websites. The treaty determinate the World War I, which was content five treaties; the predominant one was with Germany. The statesman did not succeed because the decision which was made was not wise and ideal in every aspect. Their purpose was attempted to remedying and solves their mistakes in the conferences at Paris

Table of Contents



The Treaty of Versailles2

The Failure of the Paris Treaty4

Economic Aspects4

Treaties with Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Turkey6




Why Were Peace Treaties At The End Of The First World War Apparently So Unsuccessful?


The treaties among the victors and defeated the European powers in the First World War (WWI) had not preserved the peace in Europe. The difference in the WWI from other wars was not only that there was enormous involvement of armies confront each other in the battlefield resulting in millions of casualties, but the huge recruitment of men and utilization of resources for the war was involved. The combat was not only in the battlefield, but the fight was extended to nations against nations, which destroyed farms, houses, factories, railroads …, etc (Benns, 1946, p.37). After devastated WWI in 1918, the victorious great powers Great Britain, France, and United States allies gained superiority in Europe. The dominant powers settle to form a coalition of peace by setting up conference and treaties, but, unfortunately, it did not last for a long time (Jordan, 1943, p.1.31).

There is abundant information and document published about treaties after WWI; the challenge is that there are many complex issues involved in this case which needs to be the highlight. The consequences of these treaties have brought enormous effect on the globe (Dockrill.M.L&Goold.J.D, 1981, p.10). The purpose of this piece of work is to illustrate the underlay reasons of the failure of the treaties after WWI, where there were several treaties signed, which were criticized and could not prevent Europe from war.

The structure for this essay is, it is divided into three main sections firstly, the treaty of Versailles; secondly, the economic aspects, and thirdly, the treaties with Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Turkey. The approach, taken in this essay, is a critical analysis and investigates for the relevant information, which is inspired from books and websites. It is crucial study to highlight and discus the reasons for the failure of the treaties following WWI.

The Treaty of Versailles

In September 1918, the predominant power had been expected to be required, for an armistice and growing pressure to settle the peace treaty of Versailles terms. Eventually, November 1918 on eleventh month at the last minute the German Armistice was signed, while before the armistice being signed between the allies and Turkey, Austria and Hungary signed it before German signed. This was prelude for the peace settlement (Elock, 1972, ...
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