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Should University Students Need to Take Computer Classes as a Requirement for Graduation?

Should University Students Need to Take Computer Classes as a Requirement for Graduation?


Computer has become an integral part of our life, and this will be soon a universal truth that about 80% of the population have once in their life had used a computer. Operating systems at present are very easy to operate, that even a child of 10-12 could easily operate the OS. A bunch of people may not agree with the following argument that computer has been localized, and education is not required to operate. However, university students still need to take computer classes as a requirement for graduation. It requires no particular knowledge to write something, and computers are merely being used as a necessity rather than luxury. Besides, these facts computer classes are mandatory to attend for most of the students in order to complete their graduation. This topic since from the invention of the computer remains under debate, initially to explain the people why this course is necessary and now why this course is not so necessary.

Thesis Statement

Computer classes should be optional rather than compulsory because this approach will help students to focus more towards their main instead of unnecessary compulsory courses, and the student will enjoy taking computer classes.

Time Saving

Making computer classes optional will ultimately help students to save their time, and they can utilize their time in doing useful things. Like, spending time on how to search information on Google, Bing or Yahoo, could be better utilized if a student would reasonably search the material of that may aid in the studies.

More focus on principal subjects

The students besides saving time for doing some other valuable thing can also focus more on their major subjects which in the practical life would be ...
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