Unit 4

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Unit 4


The policing encompasses of a very significant facet of the mechanics of society. Local police officers hold a very important place in the everyday affairs of the city or other local territory. The livelihood and safety of citizens is totally held under the hands of police, and therefore, a very serious and crucial job is performed by them for the security of the citizens residing in a particular area.

City police encompasses of maintenance of the court, as well as, the communication system and the front line of defence in the city. Policing is a fundamental aspect when it comes to managing the mechanisms of the city in imposition and assessment of law and order. Thenceforth, it is an essential part of the management of city in the United States and other nations of the world.

The culture of city police

The culture of city police as depicted in the operational scenario was quite closed and unfriendly, as evident in the scenario discussed. The culture of the police is further comprised of different facets, as discussed below;

Low levels of trust

The citizens show a low level of trust towards the police department, the reason behind is the improper services rendered to such group of people. This mainly comprises of people who reside in comparatively less developed areas. It comprises of two domains of the city police; firstly, it includes those who have the command of less developed areas, as well as, the police department officials that comprise of police patrol. The main reason is the increasing reported incidents of crime and other offending behaviours reported by such groups. The police department has less accuracy and transparency in the procedures of imposition of the law (Chan, 1997).

Employee morale

The culture depicts lower level of employee morale, and therefore, the main idea behind the laziness is the lack of accountability, as well as, distortion in the communication of expectations. Employees have a lesser tendency to meet their duty requirements in a prompt manner, whereas, they tend to work merely till the sustenance of their own comfort level. They are less bothered than they should, about the increasing rates of crime reported in the city, as well as, finding alternatives to ensure a better solution for such situations. Employee morale depicts that the whole idea is about becoming a police officer, rather than, the service of nation till the last mile (Chan, 1997). ...
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