Unions And Labor Relations

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Unions and Labor Relations


The paper discuss about the role of Union and strong labor relation. The main aim of the labor union is to motivate the individual workers' lot for the means of collective actions. It is a fact that the strength of labor union members is recognized while dealing with their employer through the numbers. The fundamentals of the labor movement are actually the belief workers interest is under conflict with the interest of the employees. Through the threat of strikes and collective bargaining, workers are able to leverage their interest more with the employers rather than persuading their interest individually. Just like European countries, United States faces no working class political party that is closely related to the unions.

Unions and Labor Relations


Labor union is treated as the organizations for individual workers that are by their collective move and actions seeking to negotiate with the employees. The topic for the negotiation includes working conditions, hours and wages. The main aim of the labor union is to motivate the individual workers' lot for the means of collective actions. It is a fact that the strength of labor union members is recognized while dealing with their employer through the numbers. As labor relations are the set of relations between the workers and company, understanding as the collective objective, when these bonding are realized by the union representative or intermediate entity for the requirements and needs or interest of the workers themselves. Through threatening or withholding the labor supply, the labor union seeks for driving up the price of the labor factor of production (Sloane, 2010).

Discussion and Analysis

It is a fact that labor unions are believed to be an action of organized collectivities of workers formed for pursuing the group's collective interests. However, collective bargaining allows the labor unions for negotiating with the management addressing the problem linked with the social inequality. Labor unions major focus is to improve the working conditions and also to negotiate for getting higher compensation. They are the democratic membership organizations which operate as an interest group with the political sphere.

Throughout this project we will be discussing on the role of union, and how it play its part in labor market and in contemporary society. First we need to give the information regarding American union historical development. However, it also discusses the role of government and structure of membership trends and modern unions. It also outlines the industrial relationship process through which the union can advocate for their members.

Historical Overview

The fundamentals of the labor movement are actually the belief workers interest is under conflict with the interest of the employees. Through the threat of strikes and collective bargaining, workers are able to leverage their interest more with the employers rather than persuading their interest individually. Currently, in the United States the union members stand at more than sixteen million, the strength of labor union flows and ebbs. Thus, in the year 1945, almost 37% of all workers were ...
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