Union Management And Organization

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Union Management and Organization

Union Management and Organization


This paper relates to the union management and organization. This paper includes the discussion of legal and historical framework of American system with the labor and management relations. This paper also includes the roles and responsibilities comparison of right to work state and non right to work state. Also, the discussion of actions by unions and management are discussed in the light of US federal labor laws. Lastly, the process of organization and de-certification of unions is discussed (Befort, 2013).

American system of labor/management relations

The various major points which turned the effect and impact of the labor management relations in the United States have been related with various phases of economic hurdles. For the protection of the worker's rights a federal legislation was designed within the period of the Great Depression. Within the Great Depression, the policies were established within the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 (Holley, 2011). The act specifically was developed for the protection of the union of workers' rights. The Wagner Act or the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 was the primary law for the collective bargaining and the labor management relation regulation in the United States. The major part of the act allows for the rights of non managerial employees who work for the interstate commerce for the union and bargaining collectively. In the post World War II years, the union membership widely expanded till the late 1950s (Holley, 2011) (Befort, 2013).

In the early 1980s, unions were forced to make considerable bargaining concessions. The labor management relations saw another change with the rise of the employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). By 1990s, the union membership began to decline and deflate, the rumors spread that there had been the premature demise of the organized labors. Many strike breakers in thousand numbers were mobilized by Bridgestone in 1995 where the local union members wanted to return to their work without any concessions, though very few workers were rehired (Holley, 2011). In 1995 when the company registered its pivotal recovery, more strikes were called back to work, URW was regrouped and United Steel Workers were allied sympathetically. This is how the historical and legal framework formed a basis for the labor management relationship in the United States (Holley, 2011) (Bernardin, 2013).

Unions' and management's actions complying U.S. federal labor laws

This section studies the major US federal labor laws according to the actions of the unions and management. Unions are regulated by the federal laws and all the amendments meant to change the look and functions of the unions with time. The changing laws have been helpful for the employees with time. These laws have protected the employees against unfair labor practices; protected the employees from unfair union practices and influences of the unions on the workplaces (Holley, 2011). The National Labor Relations Act was passed in 1935 which helped the labor unions secure their legal right for the employee representation with their employers. For the cross check of the relationship among employers, ...
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