Dispute Resolution in Union and Non-union Workplaces
[Name of the Instructor]
[Date of Submission]
The effective and smooth functioning of the organizational operations requires that employees work as a team and provide synergetic effect for the organization. However, as each individual is different from other, conflicts are the fact of life and, therefore, numbers of procedures are employed by the firms in order to resolve disputes. This research paper is written with an objective to compare the resolution of dispute in union workplaces with one that operates without unions (nonunion workplace), by taking into account various dispute resolution and grievance settlement techniques used in each of the context.
Table of Contents
Resolving Disputes2
Comparison of Dispute Resolution in Union and Non-Union workplaces3
Dispute Resolution in Union Workplace3
Grievance Arbitration4
Alternatives of Grievance Arbitration: Expedite Arbitration and Grievance Mediation7
Dispute Resolution in Non-Union Workplaces8
Open Door Policies under the Unilateral Discretion of the Management8
Management Appeal Procedures9
Peer Review Procedure10
Summary of Comparison11
Dispute Resolution in Union and Nonunion Workplaces
Dispute Resolution is considered as a process that has an objective to resolve the conflicts that arise between two or more parties, with the help of mediation, arbitration or negotiation. Other techniques that are employed in many of the organizations include collaborative law and litigation. In the process of dispute resolution, the conflict is tackled by meeting some members of each of the conflicting group and an arbitrator tries to understand their needs. The field of dispute resolution has got its emergence after World War II, and the ground for this aspect was set by the scholars who belong to the Program on Negotiation. The conflict or dispute that occurs within an organization setting seems to be a fact of life. As each of the individual has his/her own preferences and perceptions, so there emanates situations in which people operates with different goals and needs and, therefore, come in a position of conflict with each other. In order to facilitate employees and protect their rights and interest from exploitation, Union (that is generally called as Labor Union) operates within an organization that plays an effective role whenever the disputes arise within an organization. However, there are some organizations too that are not equipped with the concept of Unionization and are considered as Non-Union workplaces. The dispute resolution tactics and tools used in such organizations are completely different. This research paper explores the ways in which dispute resolution takes place in Union and Non-Union workplaces by identifying the techniques that organizations are employing for the successful resolution of dispute.
Resolving Disputes
Disputes or Conflicts if considered in a broad perspective are not always bad. If they are resolved in an effective manner, the resultant can be examined by a firm in the form of professional and personal growth of its employees. In many scenarios, if the conflicts are effectively resolved the organization can experience a variance between positive and negative outcomes. Dispute Resolution whether it is in a union or non-union workplace can provide with benefits that are initially not expected by the organization. These benefits include: