Uk Social Policy

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UK Social Policy

UK Social Policy

UK Social Care Policy

The Health Department has the responsibility to plan and implement the policies and guidance, and make it available as a social care system that facilitates and provide care to all the citizens equally. It also ensures the retention of independence, control and dignity of the citizen. In the United Kingdom, social care has become a regulated profession, and there are a number of cases that presented to the jury for breaches of ethical boundary (Russell, 2010, 68).

History of Social Policy

The welfare state of UK faced two crucial reforms from the time when it begins. The initial phase years covered 1960 and 1970. The central government reformed and allowed planning and controlling of general expenses. This reform focuses on the economic and managerial planning and efficiency. The second phase covered the era of 1980 and 1990 to reorganize the social services and welfare administration (Hennock, 2007, 130).

The origin of the welfare state and social policy came into being after 1945. It initially denoted by the poor law. In 1950 and 1960 social policy started and pamphlets published on social policy. This pamphlet is the result of extraordinary efforts of political parties, research institutes, and social pressure groups. One of the pressure group that worked diligently named National Council for One Parent Family. There were several other pressure groups and communities that worked for the social policy (Richardson, Chaloner, 1996, 115). Royal Group of the Public Admin and Age Concerns and the National Associations of Children Nursery came under one of the influential groups made at that time.

Adam Smith institution started their work by publishing social policy Pamphlets. These pamphlets focused on poverty and minority groups as elderly people, and single parent families. These pamphlets do not only influence the Great Britain, but ...
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