Uk Public Law

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UK Public Law

UK Public Law


The European Public Law Section has as its object in the study of European institutions and the processes by which Community law. These laws were first developed at EU level and then implemented at the national level through the work of the constitutional bodies and administrative bodies in the States. The section pays particular attention to the European constitutional process and the evolution of the institutional and competence of the Union, including on the protection of fundamental rights, in light of the constitutional dynamics which are internal to the states (Birkinshaw, 2003). These laws see a greater participation in the phase of ascending and descending of the European law of the regional and local governments, in view of multilevel constitutionalism, whether of independent administrative authorities which lie beyond the traditional circuit "Parliament-Government-Public Administration" (Sweet, 2004).

In strictly legal way, but open to interdisciplinary methodology and stable forms of collaboration and partnership with other research institutes, national and international, the Section also takes care of the study of the ways in which you realize the objectives of European governance. These, together with the instruments, institutions and dynamics are able to guarantee and strengthen the democratic (in its dual role of business decision-making processes, transparent and effective control on government actions) in a Union who strives to be careful and close to the expectations and needs of the citizen (Chalmers & Tomkins, 2007).

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is the common European heritage of Fundamental Rights, and collected in a single text all the civil, political, economic and social rights of European citizens and all people living in the territory of the Union.

The Charter does not grant new rights to European citizens, all the rights enshrined in it are from conventions, treaties or Community law, although some are new in the sense that they respond to concerns resulting from the evolution of science and society, such as new technology or biotechnology (bioethics, data protection). So why develop a new text on fundamental rights rests not on the need to add new rights but to make more visible and recognized and collect the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Community in the field. On the other hand, it was also incorporated, along with the traditional civil and political rights, social and economic rights in a single text, which had not yet in any international or European level. The Charter is also a step forward in the new phase of integration, which has a decidedly political vocation. It is a fundamental instrument of political and moral legitimacy, expressing the essence of European democratic societies.

Among European administrative law and administrative law globally

Studies of lawyers and political scientists for the last twenty years, respectively, the development of an administrative law "European" - right, that is, the European Community and individual Member States - and the development of an administrative law "global" - that is relevant to the sphere supranational legal and operating beyond the ...
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