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The UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education

UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education


Learning is something through which one can improve their weakness. In order words, Learning is the process through which skills developed or modified. Human learning related to the education and personal development. We define learning as a process of relatively permanent change in a person's behaviour generated by the experience. First, learning involves behavioural change; second, the change must be maintained over time. Third, learning occurs through practice or other forms of experience (e.g., watching other people).

We must point out that the term “behaviour” used in the sense, where any reductionist identification avoided with it. Therefore, when referring to learning as behaviour change process, we assume that learning involves the acquisition and modification of knowledge, strategies, skills, attitudes and beliefs (Wakefield, G. 2005, pp. 24).

Understanding of Student Learning Experience

The learning is the individual activity that takes place in a social and cultural context. This is the result of individual cognitive processes through which assimilate and internalize new information (facts, concepts, procedures, values), building new meaning, and functional mental representations (knowledge), which can then be applied in situations other contexts. Learning is not only to memorize information, we must also involve other cognitive operations: know, understand, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate.

During my semester, I was very nervous as my language was not good. However, initially I faced my problems, but my hard work benefited me a lot. Learning from others changed my thinking hence structure of my thinking pattern, the experiences which I learnt in during my semester enhances my memory, creating variability among individuals (

The use authentic online projects by the teacher such as those listed in the Teacher's Guide construct knowledge, share data, and negotiate meaning across disciplines and among learners who come from various cultural traditions and hold diverse points of view. As a result, I learn content and simultaneously develop skills that are vital to participation in an information age. Performance based scoring systems could be woven into these types of projects to track progress and offer feedback on students' developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions as they exchange ideas, respond to texts, and solve problems in authentic, online spaces made my performance much better than previously. Moreover, my teachers carry out inquiry and seek amplification after I sign reaction. My teacher put many of the children in positions that may challenge their premature concepts and that will produce contradictions that will boost discussion. However, they make a point expect long enough after laying a question, so that the student has time to think of their responses and be able to answer carefully. Moreover, they allowed enough time for us so that we can understand the concept and can interpret tour understanding through presentation.

However, these will give high performance for the students as they will gain confidence through this teaching. Moreover, the decision making ability gets assisted by the teacher and students tend ...
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