Corporate social responsibilities effect on customers loyalty in fashion industry (UK)
My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful comments on early drafts. I am also deeply indebted to the authors who have shared my interest and preceded me. Their works provided me with a host of information to learn from and build upon, also served as examples to emulate.
I, (Your name), would like to declare that all contents included in this thesis/dissertation stand for my individual work without any aid, & this thesis/dissertation has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level previously. It is also representing my very own views & not essentially which are associated with university.
This study describes the concept CSR, its evolution and various theories patterns and trends that have been studied and defined in recent years in UK fashion industry. CSR deals with cross-cultural and business. However, the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility really emerged only between 40's and 60's. The first model of CSR refers to the responsibilities above and beyond economic and legal obligations. CSR is mostly synonymous with philanthropy, with the difficulty of differentiating business in UK. This study aims to investigate the relationship between corporate social responsibilities performance and sustaining customer's loyalty. The study reveals the role of CSR and its effect on interrelated factors such as customer's satisfaction and customer's identification to a brand as tools to gain customers loyalty. The 1960's saw the proliferation of the concept that scholars began to pay more attention and sought to formalize and define what CSR means. Philanthropy met with improvements in terms of employees and customer relationships. In the next decade, mainly highlighted the role of management, the need for forecasting, planning and organization of the RSC and evaluate the social performance.
Theoretical framework3
Problem statement4
UK fashion industry5
Brief Background in ethical fashion6
Research questions7
Review of the literature8
Customer loyalty in light of CSR (Awareness about environmental and social issues)8
Consumer value of brand and CSR9
Ethical behaviour from brands and customer loyalty10
Customer loyalty and corporate social responsibility11
Fashion activities and customer satisfaction14
Customers - company Identification15
Theories on corporate social responsibility17
Modern paradigm20
Corporate social performance (CSP)21
Customer loyalty is seen as a function of repeat purchases over a certain period of time. By Meanwhile, the loyal attitude presupposes the existence of a positive assessment of the company and bond with it, reflected general morally in recommending the company to third parties by the customer. Recently, fashion companies have made significant inroads into the domain of corporate image. Evidence can be seen in the popularity of the Fortune Magazine Reputation survey that ranks fashion companies in the order of their reputation. This shows that the British public is aware of the image reputation paradigm and fashion companies with sound reputations benefit in several different ...