Types Of Managers

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Types of Managers

Types of Managers

Type Of Manager In Tertiary Hospital At Metropolitan Area

Tertiary hospital at a major metropolitan area is a business and, like every business, it needs good management to keep it running smoothly. Medical and health services managers, also referred to as health care executives or health care administrators, plan, direct, coordinate, and supervise the delivery of health care. These workers are either specialists in charge of a specific clinical department or generalists who manage an entire facility or system.

The structure and financing of tertiary hospital are changing rapidly. Future medical and health services managers must be prepared to deal with the integration of health care delivery systems, technological innovations, an increasingly complex regulatory environment, restructuring of work, and an increased focus on preventive care. They will be called on to improve efficiency in tertiary hospital facilities and the quality of the care provided.

Large facilities usually have several assistant administrators who aid the top administrator and handle daily decisions. Assistant administrators direct activities in clinical areas such as nursing, surgery, therapy, medical records, or health information. (Karski et al. 2009; Busse and Wisbaum 2000; Hlavacka et al. 2000)

The Senior Manager is responsible for the support service response to a major incident. They should be a senior member of the management team. They are a member of the Hospital Coordination, Team and are the essential link on management/support matters to the clinical and nursing hierarchies.

Senior Transport Manager is responsible for coordinating transport requirements during the response. This may include delivering samples and collecting supplies.

Senior Security Manager is important to prevent unwarranted access to clinical and other areas within the hospital site. Individuals without hospital ID should not be allowed entry to the clinical areas. Traffic control and parking are also likely to be a major issue. The Senior Security Manager is responsible for security on the hospital site. They may be assisted in this by the police.

Senior Catering Manager has importance of providing food to staff and patients are not to be underestimated. The Senior Catering Manager is responsible for ensuring that adequate amounts of food are available for the duration of the incident response.

Many hospitals and clinical equipment suppliers now operate on a 'just in time' basis. In other words, it is unlikely that all the surgical clinical equipment required to treat a large number of major incident casualties will be immediately available. Some stocks are available from within hospitals but additional equipment may need to be recycled or obtained from other sources (i.e. other hospitals or suppliers). The Senior Supplies Manager is tasked to ensure that necessary equipment is available and that resources are channeled into preparing the equipment required by the clinical teams. Close liaison with the Senior Nurse Theatres and Senior Nurse Emergency Department will be required to assign priorities.

The TSSU Manager assists the Senior Supplies Manager in the preparation of equipment for theatre use. The role should be taken by someone with working knowledge of the TSSU ...
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