Type 2 Diabetes

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Effectiveness of Health Promotion Intervention

for Type 2 Diabetes

Effectiveness of Health Promotion Intervention

for Type 2 Diabetes


Health promotion interventions are a major concern for the state and health care providers in order to avoid problems of diseases and ill health conditions. It is the basic responsibility of a state to facilitate life necessities and health care facilities. Government of UK also provide various facilities for the individuals, groups, and communities to avoid risks associated with health care. There are health campaigns organized by the UK government in order to promote health care awareness and education about various chronic and acute diseases, which increased rate of mortality for past few years. Diabetes is one of the most common public health concerns, which affect a large number of populations all over the world, irrespective of age and gender. There are four common types of diabetes, which consist of type 1, type2, secondary and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is insulin dependent diabetes or also known as juvenile diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs at young age, therefore, it is also known as juvenile diabetes. As compared to type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is most common diabetic condition as it usually affect people above the age of 40 years, but now it is also very common in young ages, for example in UK, “approximately 2.9 million people are affected by diabetes. There are also thought to be around 850,000 people with undiagnosed diabetes” (www.nhs.uk). Type 2 diabetes is a major public concern. Government and health care agencies need to pay more attention for its prevention and intervention.

Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of pancreas to produce insulin, required to control sugar level in body. Insulin is a hormone that controls and stores sugar/glucose in our body for later use of energy, whenever required. In case of lack of insulin, the sugar or glucose, which required to be stored in body for energy production, releases in blood and wasted through urine. Body utilized other body fats and protein, for making energy, and this result in weight loss. Diabetes 2 can be diagnosed with the onset of many symptoms such as increased thirst, increased urge of urination more frequently, feeling tiredness, sudden weight loss and numbness of muscles. These symptoms are difficult to identify at early age as these does not appear serious in the beginning. It is a major public health concern as it may result in creating various complications such as it may affect function of various organs like, eye, heart, kidney, reproductive organs and nerves (www.servier.co.uk). Researches has provided there is continues increase in the patient of Type 2 Diabetes. This requires improvement in the intervention and prevention of this disease.

1. Analysis of the methods used for health promotion in Type 2 Diabetes

Davies & Kepford (2006; 152-154) summarise the essential stages in planning a health promotion intervention as follows:

Assess need

Interrogate the evidence base for effective interventions

Identify resources

Aims intervention

Set a numerical target



Evaluation assess achievement ...
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