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The imprisonment of the suspect before test most seriously deteriorates the preparation of an effective defense (Katz, Litwin, Bamberger, 1972). Nevertheless, all the legal systems allow detention former to the judgment, however under differing conditions. From here 2009, in 33 out of 50 people of minority of states (which contain 80% of the American population) the majority of population in detention represented. However in much of states with small populations of ethnic minority and racial, (like Pennsylvania, where the global population is white of 85%, and Minnesota, where the global population is white of 90%) more than fifty percent of the population of detention are youth of color. In 2005, OJJDP noted that in the majority of the states in America (with the exemption of Vermont), the population of minority of held youth exceed their proportion in the global population. (Leipold, 2005)

Since detention is a principal entrance point whose different youth penetrate the youthful system of justice, the decisions taken with detention can have a major impact on disproportion for better or worse. Incorporate national and the various data of state prove that the racial disparities increase with each stage of the process of youthful judge. For example, when white youth and the youth of Afro-American without admissions former to public equipment were in charge of same offences, the youth of Afro-American were six times to be imprisoned that white youth. Latin youth were three times that white youth to be imprisoned. (Katz, Litwin, Bamberger, 1972) In 1999, the youth of minority comprised 49% of the youth transferred by the legal system to the adult Penal Court, and 59% of youth admitted with the prisons of State. Three on allowed youth four with a prison of State in 1999 were minority. So disparities in detention could be reduced, these following disparities ...
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