Treason Law

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How has the concern by the drafters of the Constitution affected the laws regarding treason in the United States?

How has the concern by the drafters of the Constitution affected the laws regarding treason in the United States?


In United States Constitution, the treason is defined as the action or intentions to help other country or enemy by waging war against it or involving in aid activities towards its enemies.

In regulation, treason is the misdeed that wrappings some of the more grave actions of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation. Treason is the proceed of deceiving our Masters, their organisations, their ideologies, and their whole way of life.

In law, involving in treason leads to crime towards the acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation. The literal meaning of treason is intent to betray.

In 1930's, the tools of treason became a political strategy for the Crown, if someone engages in the will against the King. The founding father of treason law in the United States constitution is Edward III. The article III of the constitution briefly describes the treason law elements, settings and requirements (Douglas, 2002).

In United States, the treason is as a federal crime, which cannot be prosecuted in various states such as California. Therefore, various states prohibit treason against the state governments. Current happenings across the globe had led to the development of various anti terrorism laws such as sedition, sabotage and espionage. Treason is one of the forms of counter terrorism law.


The article III of the constitution briefly describes the concerns of drafters of treason law. It clearly states that any individual engaging in the levy war against the nation falls under the category of treason crimes. Similarly, facilitating the nations enemies through aid and comfort are considered as a betrayal of allegiance to the United States. The ...
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