Transmission Of Hiv In Msm

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Transmission of HIV in MSM

Transmission of HIV in MSM


People suffering with infection of HIV are subjected to discrimination, prejudice and hostility around the globe. Managing stigma for this disease is complex and strategies for prevention are practiced from proactive based to reactive based. Public fear is found in aids epidemic for both the disease and the one who is affected with it. People find threat for them as AIDS stigmatization derives in illness which is un understandable for a normal human being. A person affected by this disease experiences a series of negative sequelae which includes discrimination, anxiety, and loss of self esteem, social exclusion, alienation and social disenfranchisement. HIV/AIDS are noticed to be transmitted by many ways but in UK this disease is more prevalent in MSM (Men having sex with Men) nowadays, each year rates in increment for this syndrome is increasing and effecting the gay/bisexual people.


AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is one of the deadliest and the worst syndrome world has ever known. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus which causes AIDS diagnosed somewhat 35 years back in rural area of central Africa. Since then this infection as swept around the geographical regions in a short span of time and killed millions of people reported while many incidents go unreported. Although HIV is transmitted through four different routes, most frequent mode in transmission is unprotected sex. Highest rate of increase in noticed in MSM who report unprotected sex. UAI (unprotected anal intercourse) remains the greatest risk factor for transmitting HIV syndrome.

UK in comparison from some parts of the world has relatively small AIDS and HIV epidemics. As per researchers in UK around 96,000 people are suffering from this disease, which means around 1.5 people is infected in 1000 people, This number is relatively low but now an dramatically increase is reported. People who have died from HIV in UK are relatively low in the recent years as compared to a decade before. In 2010, 3000 gay and bisexual men were diagnosed with this syndrome which was the highest diagnose in a single year. Almost 1 in 20 gay and bisexual in UK are living with AIDS. High rates of STI (sexually transmitted infection) in UK population are as well measured which is a reason for multiple partners and ongoing AIDS transmission. MSM in United Kingdom not only experience high rates of HIV but as well experience other STIs such as syphilis and (Men who have sex with men, 2013).

HIV Trends and Rates

In the last decade every year number of men having sex with men receiving HIV/AIDS has increased, from 2002 having 14,602 to 31,825 in 2011. Majority of men receiving HIV who had sex with men are of white ethnicity, next ethnicity to have this syndrome is black Caribbean, and then black African and then the rest are from mixed ethnicity. Men who have sex with Men of different ages are even noticed having infected by this syndrome, ages from ...
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