Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases


Sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) is a word used to illustrate the twenty five different bacterial-infections which can be passed on to another individual through sexual activity or through exchange of blood, semen, and other body fluids; or by immediate contact with the infected body parts of individuals with Sexually transmitted disease. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have been known since antiquity: gonorrhea was surely described by the early Egyptians, and was identified by Roman and Greek medicinal writers. The spread and prevalence of these diseases was aggravated by travels such as Wars and the rise of city dwelling, with the simultaneous augment of people living in close proximity to each other. By the Middle Ages both syphilis and gonorrhea were wide-spread. One view, by no means un-challenged, was that syphilis was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus' sailors on their return from the New World. As globalization grew, the means of transportation enhanced and carriers of the diseases were easily travelling from one place to another spreading STDs.


Sexually transmitted diseases are one of the greatest reasons of poor sexual health. Sexual health refers more commonly to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases than to sexual well being and fulfillment because sexual activity leads to unwanted pregnancies and ill health or diseases such as Chlamydia, AIDS, Gonorrhea and Syphilis.

The fact Sheet

Sexually transmitted diseases are of public health concern because it affects a high number of people and is increasing because as it has no major symptoms infected persons are unaware they are infected leading them to spread the infection further through unsafe or unprotected sex. Generally, teenage motherhood and prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as Chlamydia, Aids and Syphilis are usually more common amongst ethnic groups. The statistics between different ethnic groups vary widely and the reasons underlying this are cultural, behavioural, social and economic factors. Furthermore, people from ethnic groups are more likely to live in deprived areas and poverty. Teen mothers are less likely to accomplish equal levels of education and employment as their childless peers and the poverty cycle is perpetuated. Teenage motherhood is more common in black Caribbean, Pakistan and Bangladeshi groups than in white ethnic groups. Young people from black Caribbean back grounds are at highest risk of gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. HIV/AIDs is uncommon amongst adolescents, even though a disproportionate figure of 15 to 19 years old from black African backgrounds were being treated for HIV. Sexual partners are likely to come from within the same ethnic group; therefore an infection possibly will circulate at high levels within one group and be rare in another group, regardless of similar sexual behaviour levels . Researches have demonstrated that approximately one in fifteen females aged 15-20 suffers from Chlamydia in case she is sexually active. Because of the biological and behavioural reasons, active young people are more prone to this disease. Men having sexual association with other men (MSM) are at high risk of this infection as Chlamydia ...
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