Training Manual

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Training program for police recruits in the police academy

Table of Contents



The Program Details1

Theory Training2

Substantive Topics2

Core Competencies2

Program Phases3

Orientation Phase (1 week)3

Phase-I (2 weeks) and Phase-II (2 weeks)4

Mid-Term Evaluation (1 week)4

Phase-III (1 week) and Phase-IV (1 week)4

Phase-V (1 week) and Phase-VI (3 week)5

Laws /Policies and Operational Trainings5


Cultural and Social Awareness6

Final Evaluation6


Training program for police recruits in the police academy


A process of providing the guidance, education or knowledge of specific skills, processes or about general issues is called training. It proves as an essential part in improving health of the police force effectiveness. Thing training will help to improve the specific skills and knowledge of the new trainees as a part of an ongoing process.


To provide the new law regulators and enforcer with an increase of confidence,

The value of the work they are doing,

To pass on new skills and education regarding the departments and the work place

Raise public Awareness

Improve morale

Change people attitudes

The Program Details

This section will provide the detailed structure and format of the process of the program. It contains features that differentiate them from traditional field training programs (Mark. 2005). This training program will cover three primary areas of training,

Theory Training

Substantive Topics (the usual activities in policing i.e. the practical applications)

Core Competencies (combination of theory & practical)

Theory Training

Following courses will be offered of 3 credit hours each, for the detailed understanding of the subjects.

Laws and Policies

Operational Trainings


Cultural Awareness

Social Awareness

Substantive Topics

Emergency Incident Response

Non-Emergency Incident Response

Criminal Investigation

Patrol Activities

Core Competencies

The usual skills which an officer should have posses and activities they should monitor throughout on the daily basis.

The officers will be trained about the 4 competencies of their personality,

Managerial (Conflict Resolution/Use of Force/Leadership/Local Procedures/Policies/Laws and Organizational Philosophies)

Analytical (Problem-Solving/Report Writing/Communication Skills/Lifestyle Stressors/Self-Awareness/Self-Regulation

Operational (Police Vehicle Operations/Officer Safety)

Knowledge (Community Specific Problems/Cultural Diversity/Special Needs Groups/Individual Rights/Ethics)

Program Phases

This curriculum will have 6 phases related to content training programs will be conducted, excluding orientation and examination phases.

Phase I - Non-Emergency Incident Response

Phase II - Emergency Incident

Phase III-Patrol Activities.

Phase IV-Core Competencies

Phase V-Theory

Phase VI-Criminal Investigation

Orientation Phase (1 week)

The orientation phase provides initial training and education like introduction to training programs, computer literacy, desktop literacy, important destination familiarizations, basic code and conducts, of the police department. Beside this, orientation will also assist in what kind of facilitators would be providing them with trainings (Ronald. 2007). Beside this, the orientation phase will be based on the type of agency the training is being conducted ...
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