Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

Case Analysis

Case Analysis


The reorganization of schools in Australia ? which began in 1980 ? continues to exist today. As in most complex reforms ? it is difficult to determine exactly what proponents of school restructuring want by means of school reform. Ideally would like to suggest that at some basic level of school reform advocates believe that the reform of the school will make them more effective ? would result in teachers to teach differently and ? therefore ? it will make a difference in education and motivate students. However ? if we are serious about school reform makes a difference in educating and motivating the students ? we need a much better understanding of school culture and educational leadership ? as well as how they are interrelated ? since studies show that both are crucial to reform and improve schools.


The problems of school reform have been cited as reasons for the promotion of Transformational leadership as a kind of a training manual to facilitate the transformation of school culture and necessary for school reform and improvement. At the same time ? researchers have accumulated convincing evidence that school culture is an important influence on student motivation to learn.

Transformational leadership

Transformational leadership is distinguished from the first transaction leadership downtown ? but it was the work of Barnett and McCormick (2003) ? who first drew attention to the ideas associated with transformational leadership.

Barnett and McCormick (2003) operationalized the work of Burns (1978) by developing a model of transformational and transactional leadership ? as described in recent publications as a "full range of models of leadership." Bass suggested that the leadership of the transformation can be determined by various behavioral constructs - idealized influence (attributes) ? idealized influence (behavior) ? Inspirational Motivation intellectual stimulation and individual consideration. The three behavioral constructs identify transactions leadership - contingent reward ? management by exception (active) and management by exception (passive). Bass also decide not to conduct manual called interference.

Concept of transformation deals with the contrasts that Barnett and McCormick (2003) ? who believe the transformation and transaction management practices ? as opposite ends of a continuum. Barnett and McCormick (2003) argued that most leaders display transformational leadership and transactions ? to varying degrees. Transformational leadership increases transaction management. Transactional practice ? little will lead to a stronger commitment and extra effort required for changes that occur when members of the transforming experience of leadership.

Transformational leadership is well suited for the challenges that bring school reform. It has the potential to create a high level of commitment (of teachers) in a complex and uncertain nature of school reform ? as well as to promote the growth of teachers must develop the capacity to respond effectively to this agenda.

In addition ? these studies on motivation and accomplishments demonstrate that student investments in education are largely influenced by the adoption of two types of learning goal - oriented and task-oriented performance. This is based on the idea that the purpose of school is at the heart of ...
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