Training For Customer Service Specialists

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Training for Customer Service Specialists

Training for Customer Service Specialists

Training Objectives for CSS Training Program

The program that has been designed for customer service specialists is focused on resolving the key issues that the customer is facing. The first and foremost aim of the training program is to resolve the issues which the university is facing, including the fines accrued over previous terms. These include fines imposed on students over late fees, parking, and library. This is to avoid any mishaps in the operations so that better services must be provided to the customers. In addition to that, the objective of the training programs also intend to meet the processing deadlines for financial aids through completing the forms on or before time so that enrollments of students for classes must be completed in time and the schedule must not stop the progress of the entire process (Aghazadeh, 2007). Apart from that, the objective of training program also include to acquire appropriate advice on the enrolment process, so that students must select to enroll themselves in right classes to avoid future problems.

The objectives are also very much aligned with the knowledge, skills, and abilities which are required for customer service specialists. This includes their ability to communicate with the customers in a way that they must not only provide complete information to the customers, but they also are able to answer and solve their queries (Knapp, 2010). This ability of them to provide solutions to the customers also link them with the problem solving ability, which is also among the critical factor for an individual to possess to be competent enough for this training program. In addition to that, there is also a requirement for the trainees to remain updated about the policies and regulations of university so that they can communicate well with the customers.

Training Agenda

The agenda of the training must be aligned with the objective of training program, and according to the objectives, the main focus is to improve the customer service. This can be possible through providing positive supervision to the trainees which would focus on developing the required skills in the trainee. In addition to that, the trainee will be provided training regarding how to deal and communicate with different sort of customers, and how to respond to their queries. Therefore, the agenda of the training program would include providing practice to the trainee of how to greet the customers, ...
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