Training, Development, And Career Management

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Training, Development, and Career Management

Training, Development, and Career Management


In this paper, the author will assess different aspects of training, development and career management at Shelton Manufacturing. Training is an important factor that increases the competitiveness and productivity of a company. To optimize process for identifying training needs, it is important, even essential, to include your employees in each step and get their collaboration. To engage your employees, it is essential to start the process of identifying training needs (Taylor, 2008).

Discussion & Analysis

Evaluating Shelton Manufacturing's approach to training

The higher management at Shelton Manufacturing has planned to develop a tentative training schedule for the workers to get use to with the new continuous-feed system. The primary purpose of these training is to educate the workers about the benefits of installing the new system. First, the training will help the workers know why this change is necessary, and how this change can earn benefits, both for the organization, and for the workers. It will also orient workers with the cost benefits that the company would earn after implementing the new system. Once the workers are aware about the monetary and non monetary benefits of the new system, the training will teach workers to operate the new equipment.

Since the training manager herself does not know much about the new system, the manufacturer has arranged for the training manager to visit a plant with a similar system. They'll also ship one of the punch presses in early so training manager and workers can come in on weekends to learn to operate it. Before the training manager within the organization begins her training session, a professional trainer will visit as soon as the first press is set up. He will conduct some classroom sessions and then work with workers on the new machine.

Training needs assessment process ...
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