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Contemporary aspect of people management - Training and Development

Table of Contents



History of training programs2

Training today3

Training methods4

On-the-job training4

Role playing5


Team Building5

Games and Simulations5

Computer based training5


Job Rotation6

Training and development objectives6

Individual objectives6

Organizational objectives6

Functional objectives6

Societal objectives7

Systematic Development7

Adopt a performance consulting strategy7

Approach taken by the organization8

Training Process8

Theoretical Investigation9

Just-In time trainings9

Adopting a participative approach9

Training for Productivity10

Customized training10



Training and development


This paper is about the contemporary aspects of Training and Development. Organizations today have a wider approach to this aspect of organizational achievements of goals and objectives. For this purpose, it designs rigorous training and development programs. Organizations need to make sure that all the training needs are met and fulfilled in order to remain competitive. To meet training needs, organziations keep on evaluating the standards throughout the organization at all times to make sure that departments are provided with the necessary knowledge to achieve the set targets for the organization.


An ideal training is one which is linked to organizational goals and strategies to meet its future needs. It is a major part of the company's policies designed to meet the employee's tangible objectives and the company's targets. It may be defined as activities undertaken to obtain and transfer knowledge to meet needs ( The organization first identifies its needs, then the current training and development activities, design practices to meet the needs and then evaluate the performance of these programs. Employee training and development programs are designed to meet the needs of employers and employees to remain updated with the latest issues and technologies.

Figure 01: Identifying Training needs

Employees are then able to learn about the strategic operations of the organization, the changing workplace issues and the changing technology which demands continuous learning and development to remain competitive. For remaining competitive, necessary knowledge about the evolving technology is an important aspect. It is must for both the organization and its employees to have the related knowledge whenever they are doing a task. This can be done through continuous training and development.

History of training programs

The concept of training is an ancient one. It was marked by the education of the unskilled man, the middle man and the upper level manager. This was a process where an unskilled man grew to be an upper level manager over a period of years through rigorous training and development ( With the passage of time and the industrial revolution, jobs were designed which required training. Training activities than grew more focused. Various training methods emerged like gaming simulations were very famous in early 1800s and then the psychodrama and role playing as developed by Rd. Morena of Vienna in 1900s. Early 20th century training emerging as a profession requiring greater specificity. As a result of the production needs of the World War I and II created a need of massive training of the workplace to be effective in the industry. The demand for shipping and construction lead to the increase in workers by tenfold, thus there training was essential. Heavy demands for training started coming ( Therefore, a system was to be designed which could ...
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