Traditional Nuclear Family

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Traditional Nuclear Family

Traditional Nuclear Family


The nuclear family is a concept that designates what type of family is predominant in the Western world. You could say that the nuclear family is the nucleus of a society that plays through this type of family. What is the meaning of the nuclear family?

The nuclear family is the main feature is a family concept has b develop in the West to denote the family group is form by:

Parents (mother, father, children)

It is a kind of family, which is design as oppose to extended families. In this, case (extended family), in addition to the family of the nuclear family, including more relatives. Other features of the nuclear family:

The term "nuclear family" is the year 1947, is a new concept beyond the social structure that includes not new. This shift from extended family structures to nuclear families has to do with the promotion, growth and reproduction of the values of Western culture throughout the world, including east.

Characteristics of the traditional family

How's the kind of traditional family

The traditional family is the most widely spread through the major broadcasters and social players; the more they seek to have hegemony in society. This family consists of father and mother heterosexual married in the Catholic Church, with children and in which roles are well defined.

The characteristics of the family is traditional or classical retained for many years, from the nineteenth century and prevailed in Western society, to average the 80's century. Changes to family formation


Decline in Traditional nuclear family

The traditional nuclear family has broken down and grandparents or siblings, a Government advisor claimed last night are increasingly bringing up children.

Rising divorce rates and growing pressures in the workplace mean that parents are passing on childcare responsibilities to other relatives, according to the Family and Parenting Institute.

Dr Katherine Rake, the head of the heavily state-financed organization launched by Labor ten years ago, warned that the traditional family model is no longer 'the norm' and any Government attempts to rescue it are futile.

The decline of the traditional family is an indirect result of capitalism and the liberation of women. Now, the family bonds are very diverse, because they rely less on the economy and in the feelings, "said Professor Ignacio Sotelo, an eminent sociologist.

Given the crisis of the traditional family in most developed countries, the professor argues that the traditional conservative, which define the family as the basic institution of society oppresses them see that there is evolution and the diversity of types that is decompose. Reduced to a cluster of affective ties, the family has ceased to be the economic base of our existence, but also provide social status that identifies us. That is expressed in feelings and emotions promotes the deployment of a wide variety of types: fact or legalized unions, in which both spouses work or only one, with or without children, biological or adoptive parent, a single person, so general women with one child or more, or families ...
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