Tracking The Cybercrime Trail

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Tracking the Cybercrime Trail

Tracking the Cybercrime Trail


Technological advancements have its own merits and demerits which benefits the business world while at some point in time it derails the whole system. There are certain examples which identify the criminal activities in the cyber world. This assignment is based on the same issue that is the cyber frauds and its investigations. Whereas it also includes the steps taken and the strategies employed to cater the issue.

The whole world is exposed to huge credit card fraud such as the U.S. ministry has published a report few months ago and the report identifies the increasing records of cyber crimes. The cyber crime has revolted the whole industry and therefore, FBI and other agencies have put their hand into it (Sartin, 2004).

Problem Identification

The main problem in this case is the cyber security breach, the main aspect of this case is the credit card fraud and the agencies are trying to find out that weather it is a fraud or not. In this regard, forensic examiners are hired from Ubizen to examine that weather there is a security breach occur at the production network or not. The main objective is to find out the chain of people or users who are involved in this security breach (Sartin, 2004).

Strategies & Steps to solve the Problem

Initially the Ubizeris are contacted but after that the FBI agents are contacted because the span and the nature of the crime are too sensitive and FBI agents are needed as they have greater accesses to resources.

The FBI agents are hired.

Identify the company as the fraudulent source.

Data and Evidence are collected.

Study the network diagrams.

The staff members are interviewed in this regard.

Traffic detection on the servers to identify the move and hackers activity.

At first we will see how these ...
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