Cyber Crime: Hacking And Pornograpy

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Cyber crime: Hacking and Pornography


Interestingly, numerous aspects have also progressed along with the progression of the world, and amongst the domains that have progressed with the world is that of the crime. When every other domain has welcomed technology in its specs, then how can crime deprived itself of that particular endowment. In modern times, cyber crime is believed to be the proceedings of evil acts, via the astute utilization of a computer and an internet network along with it.

Cyber Crime: Hacking and Pornography


Cybercrime is criminal activity, using computers and the Internet to steal, whether directly or indirectly, from consumers or businesses. The global scale of the cybercrime problem is not known, although by most estimates it is running at several billion dollars (USD) per year. In recent years, computer networks, computers have grown dramatically. Today, the number of users that communicate, make purchases, pay bills, conducts business and to consult with their doctors online exceeds 200 million compared to 26 million in 1995. As the Internet expands, increases the abuse of it. So-called cyber criminals wander at your leisure through the virtual world, committing crimes such as unauthorized access or "hacking", fraud, computer sabotage, drug trafficking, trafficking of children for pornography and stalking. Criminals of computing are as diverse as their offenses; may be students, terrorists or organized crime figures. In terms of financial crimes such as fraud or theft of information, form the largest category of employees of companies, which account for 90% of these offenses, according to the United Nations Handbook 1997 on the prevention and control of the computer-related crimes. Cyber criminals may go unnoticed by borders, hide behind countless "links" or simply vanish without leaving a paper trail. Communications can ship directly or hide criminal evidence in "data havens" - that is, in countries without laws or expertise to track them. This paper solely focuses on the cyber crime of hacking and pornography, which are the most common among the different categories of cyber crime.

Types of Cyber Crimes

Amongst the major types of the cyber crimes are, transfer frauds of electronic funds, telecommunications services' theft, the illegal interception of telecommunications, distribution and spreading of offensive materials, investment and sales fraud, electronic vandalism, terrorism and extortion, as well as tax evasion and electronic money laundering, and many more.

Roots of Cyber Crime

One does not have to cogitate to an extensive level, in order to deduce the primary roots of the cyber crime. The roots of these atrocious acts can be track back to the time, when our society had recently embarked on the utilization of computer and internet, on more household basis. When the world, and specially our society was consumed at being amazed at this marvel, which besides making communication exceedingly easy, served numerous other personal and commercial purposes as well, there existed numerous evil minds that had understood its usage for their benefits and objectives.


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