Tort And Regulatory Risk

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Tort and Regulatory Risk

Tort and Regulatory Risk


Many organizations struggle with tort liability and management into everyday business. Proper management and preventive measures to limit tort liability exposure the organization has become the key to an efficient operating business.

A tort is an act by a business that results in injury to a person, property, or good name. In most cases the person injured is entitled to compensation (Jennings, 2006). It is in the businesses best interest to be educated on local, state, and federal laws and regulations to reduce regulation and tort liability. A business must protect its assets, earnings, and good name. A company must have a plan in place to reduce and eliminate fines, penalties, and tort liability. The business must have a preventive plan in place to address regulation compliance and tort liability (Dore, 2008).

This article will define the responsibilities of tort and regulatory risk of alumina in the business plan for its management. Prevention, detection and remedial measures for each responsibility will be described. The best course of action to alleviate the tort liability would be determined in the course of the plan and expected outcomes of good governance for alumina and any organization.


Business simulations are focused on alumina company with previous commitments, that a lawsuit against the company five years ago. Alumina is the current tort liability for the previous lawsuit and the recent complaint that the combination of potential risks to the company. These risks have been identified and dealt Learning Team D. List of tort liability and regulatory risks: Libel, the First Amendment and Freedom of Information Act. These risks are the most influential and relevant in comparison with alumina, AO current and prior commitments. Public accusation made to the companies argue that they are still polluting the local water supply. In which the company was found liable for five years ago in another case. Since then the company has made the necessary changes and in compliance with federal regulations. Alumina is believed that this accusation is baseless and slander against the company. Since the claim is rooted in the past poor performance of the company, public opinion will be the central motivation in addressing the issue. This liability could be substantially reduced, alumina, allowing the public to federal regulatory changes and compliance over the past five years. It preventive measure would keep a consistent positive self-alumina, AO business practices.

Thus reducing the threat of defamation caused by a local resident. Without effective preventive measures, companies need to submit a detailed discovery on the basis of the claim. Isolation of the true nature of the requirement will be the first step in this process. Then check company, AO responsibilities compared to demand will be significant. After the true problem is identified alumina is necessary to promulgate the Federal management evaluation, showing the level of compliance. This will create a shroud of doubt in the public mind in charge of pollution, and allow the company more time to provide more ...
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