Regulatory Law

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Regulatory Law


This research paper includes the review of the case under the regulatory law. The case was filed over the Friern hospital medical committee, who put negligence to the treatment of the Bolam who had undergone the electro compulsive therapy. He was neglected by the skilled professionals of the Friern hospital and he sued a case against them.




Identification of case4


Courts' holding6

Applicable Law used by majority Courts6



Regulatory Law


The paper describes the case review of Bolam and Friern hospital medical committee under the regulatory law. The skilled professional which includes doctors of Friern hospital medical committee made negligence in the therapy of the Bolam which is against the state regulatory law. The regulatory law is governed by a state which holds the legal agreement among the two parties.

The Government has made it quite clear to that there is no possibility of supporting a society where the life of the people is no log secured. It is the responsibility of every individual to take motivative actions towards the social benefits such as disablity and legal aid. Every individual, every group, every organization, or every society is responsible to understand the responsibility of respecting the rigts of others and don't show negligence in health care activities. The government also seeks to reduce to incorporate among the individuals and health care socities under this law. United states has found different methods to the understading of the health care responsibilities and activities.


Identification of case

The case is signed under regulatory law over a claim by Bolam who was subjected to negligence by the medical committee of Friern hospital.The law holds that medical health care should be provided to each and every patient without making any negligence. The ypical rule of assessing the appropriate standard of reasonable care was neglected by the skilled professionals. The defendant that is Friern hospital medical committee represented their opinion of having more than average skilled professional in terms of skills and abilities. Bolam sued a case against this negligence as he was not given relaxation to muscles and during the procedure his body was not restrained.


The case was filed among Bolam who was a voluntary patient and medical committee of Friern hospital. Bolam was advised to under go an electro convulsive therapy by the skilled professionals. However, after the therapy Bolam was not with musle relaxation and and during the procedure his body was not restrained. He suffererd serious injuries and before the procdure ended he failed about violently. His suffering includes fractures also. Medical committee of the hospital was sued by Bolam to give compensation. Bolan pointed out the following aspects of negligence.

Relaxation of musles was not given

Body was not restrained

Risks involved in the therapy were not informed

It is quite noticeable that juries were dealing in tort cases, therefore role of the Judge was to sum up the law and left it to jury for further evaluation to hold that defendant is considered to be liable or not.

Courts' holding

The court affirmed the case as:

Judge noticed that expert witnesses ...
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