Topic: Substance Abuse

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse


Substance abuse is one of the most widespread disorders that Americans are faced with. It is a disorder that affects people from all walks of life and cuts across all gender, racial, religious and socioeconomic barriers. For so many who suffer from addictions they do not ever get a change to receive the help they want or need. Things like movies, television, the media and celebrities do not help matters by glamorizing addiction. Many times we don't get to see the whole picture, just how devastating an addiction can be not only on the individual but on the family as well. Drug treatment centers and alcohol rehab programs are some of the few ways people can find help dealing with their addictions(Pham-Kanter, 2001). Treatment center can be a safe environment where people can deal with their addiction withdrawals as well as identifying core issues behind their drug use. People also find support in others dealing with similar issues. Unfortunately it can take many visits to a rehab center before people deal with their addictions. This may be because admittance to a rehab facility is short term and can't deal with all the core issues needing to be addressed; also there is the issue of people being court ordered and with the completion of their mandated treatment they resume their old lifestyle.

Demographics and Community Resources

My organization will specialize in just this area, families who are addicted. It is a unique inpatient home like setting for families who are looking to be substance free. Admission to the program is strictly voluntary and done on a governmental funded scholarship basis. In order to be considered for the program the there must be at least two family members residing together who are suffering from substance abuse(White, Widom, 2008). There are no stipulations as to whether or not their drug or alcohol of choice is the same. Families who a child is one of the identified substance abusers will be allowed to participate as long as that child is 14 years of age or older. Blended and step families are also permitted to apply to the program. Everyone in the family must be willing to participate in the program and consent to random drug and alcohol screenings. The goal of the program is for the individuals to be abstinent from drugs and alcohol and for the family as a whole to be ...
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