Topic: Dementia

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Introduction: Person Centered Approach at Care Homes

A person centered approach for offering good care and adequate support to critical patients is as significant for people who receive the services, as is for their family and the staff that is dealing them. This approach emphasizes always on the person as a separate independent individual. In this approach the exclusive attributes of the individual which can be explored by studying and examining their life history, living patterns and experiences, their likes and dislikes, all these define their individual characteristics. People suffering with dementia have equal rights as other citizens. This incorporates the right to be nursed with honor and respect. The care and support services at care home which have adopted the person centered approach should work on and utilize the best of an individual strengths and capabilities to make the most of and encourage autonomy. The services should facilitate people to feel treasured and secure. The inborn risks that life brings along should definitely be recognized (Cullen, Neill, Evans, Coen & Lawlor, 2007). 

Identification of Patient's Needs

Valuable communication enhances the standards of life of people suffering with dementia. It is imperative that efforts are made in order to augment communication, while taking out time to actually hear them out and comprehend whatever they require. The best mode of practice in this case is that the staff in a care home is trained to be aware of and have knowledge of the various communication needs of various individuals also including to comprehend any sort of hearing or vision problems the patient may be facing. Also if English is a second language for him. The staff are trained to comprehend the significance of verbal and non-verbal communication plus of all the obstacles to effective means of communication.

Assessment of Physical & Social Needs

People with dementia are permitted to have full access to not only their physical needs as per their particular illness but also to other services. The synchronization of health and communal care services to convene the needs of patients with dementia is fundamental. This may encompass a dual approach to evaluation and mutual setting of local services. Each individual has a complete review of his or her need. This complete reviews needs to take account of diagnosis and access, where ever needed, to aid in obtaining professional specialist recommendation and support. Particular services are accessed without delay in reaction to the individual's assessed physical and social needs, whether for example he requires health care related services, physiotherapy etc. Mental health needs are also recognized and suitable services are offered. Proper medication is given to the patient as per his need and a palliative care approach to the end of life care is taken up then (Shega, Emanuel, Vargish, Levine, Bursch, Herr, Karp, & Weiner, 2007).

Meeting Emotional and Spiritual Needs

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